Friday, January 17, 2025

 If you've ever worked at a large company with a lot of people, you know that everybody looks different. And. you also know that they dress different. That is, if there are no uniforms and everyone is in street clothes, they're all dressed differently.

An example is the image on the right of Oswald and his chums at the radio factory in Minsk. It was May 1960, and after a long. cold winter, it was a nice sunny day in May, and they posed for this picture outside. Oswald is the one in the center wearing shades.
Notice that they all look different and distinctive. They are each a distinct individual. And they are all dressed differently too.
The likeness between Oswald and Doorman, in his person and his clothing, was way too similar for them not to be the same man. And it is VERY CHILDISH to claim that Osawld and Lovelady looked and dressed that much alike.
The U.S. government killed Kennedy. And then, the U.S. government killed Oswald. The Dallas Police were their agents in killing Oswald, but those cops were acting on orders from the President of the United States, Lyndon Baines Johnson.

 What about Oswald saying that he was insiide the building? Actually, he didn't say it. He was responding to a question from a reporter who asked him if he was inside the building at the time. That's when Oswald said, "Naturally, etc."

But, Oswald told police that he was "out with Bill Shelley in front" and Fritz wrote it down. How could Oswald know that Bill Shelley was there unless he was there himself? He couldn't.
But, let's go back to what Oswald said about "Naturally, if I work in that building..." You need to realize that the entranceway of the Texas Book Depository was like a cave. When Oswald was standing in the doorway, he had walls on both sides of him and behind him, and above him, he had a ceiling. The floor beneath him was also the TSBD. The only opening was to the front.
But, he was not at street level. He was one flight up from the street and within the confines of the building. And if it started raining, he was not going to get wet because the building was going to protect him.
So, if you were inside a cave, looking out towards the opening of the cave, where you knew that if it rains or snows or hales, that you are not going to be affected because you're in the cave, would you say that you are inside or outside?
Well, regardless of what you would say, you can't fault Oswald for not correcting the reporter about where he was. Because: Oswald was not on the street. He was definitely in the confines of the building. He had no reason to quibble about the wording BECAUSE HE DIDN'T KNOW THAT HE WAS PHOTOGRAPHED IN THE DOORWAY.
And, they didn't want him to now. On Saturday night, when they stormed Lovelady's house with a picture of the doroway "as big as a desk" according to his wife Patricia, why didn't they do the same thing with Oswald? He was alive and well that night. Why didn't they go to his cell and get his opinion about who the Doorman was? Or at the Saturday evening interrogation in Fritz' office, they could have asked him about it then. The answer is obvious. They didn't have to ask him because they knew what he would say, and they didn't want him to know about the existence of the photograph.
Plus, everything was set that they were going to kill hiim the next morning. So, they let that sleeping dog lie. Here is the cave:

Martha Matthews asked how they were able to nab Ruby, and I'm going to tell you how. They were monitoring Ruby all morning. Ruby's "roommate" George Senator must have been in on it. Do you know how he came to be Ruby's roommate? He lived in the same building, but he had lost his job and couldn't pay his rent,. And so, he was being evicted, and Ruby, who barely knew him, invited him to move in with him. He felt sorry for him. So much for your brutal Mafioso. But, there was nothing innocent about George Senator. He was a plant, and he was in on it up to his neck.
So, Senator was Ruby's handler, and he was involved with drugging him.
They used Karen Carlin as the ruse to get Ruby to Western Union, which was only a block away from the DPD. You had to cross Harwood Street, but it was still only about a block. .
And do you know what happened to Karen Carlin afterwards? They announced that she had died, when actually, she was moved up to Michigan under an assumed name. You might say she was put into the Witness Protection Program. Why? Because they didn't want anybody talking to her. They put her up to calling Ruby and pleading for the wire transfer. Ruby tried to tell her that he'd give her the money on Monday, but of course, that wasn't good enough. They needed him to be there on Sunday.
So, Ruby got up early on Sunday morning, by his own account. And all he had to do was get dressed, eat breakfast and leave. I trust you'll agree that anything after 8 AM isn't early. So, if he got up at 8 and got dressed, ate breakfast, and left, what time would he have gotten downtown? It was only a 5 minute drive.
Well, Ruby told the Warren Commissioners that he sent the money wire at 10:17. Of course, he was corrected right away, but I tell you that he wasn't wrong. And that's one of the reasons they had to take his clothes from him: to replace his WU paperwork with phony paperwork with a different time stamp.
They had people placed at the Main Street ramp, supposedly spectators. But, what were they waiting to see? It was an incoming ramp, so they couldn't have expected anyone to drive out. So, who were they waiting for to see arrive? Elvis? I tell you nobody. They were there just to be a magnet for Ruby.
And this was before Roy Vaughn was there. He didn't get put there until AFTER Ruby was whisked away.
So, Ruby is at Western Union. He has his dog in the car, and that's because he was going to take her to the Carousel Club, which was right across the street. There was someone there who doted on her.
So, how did they get Ruby to go from Western Union to the Main Street ramp? I tell you that that's where drugs came in. I believe that one of the drugs that Senator got Ruby to take was scopolamine. You should read this article about the history of scopolamine in the intelligence world:

The CIA knew all about it. And the Nazis used it extensively during WW2. It's known as "the zombie drug" because under the influence of it, the victim becomes ultra-submissive and will do whatever they are told to do.
So, with George Senator having gotten Ruby properly drugged, all they needed was for someone in the WU office to say to Ruby, "You should go down to the ramp. There are people gathered there. Something must be going on."
That's all it took. And then when Ruby got to the ramp, someone just had to nudge him to go down the ramp. He did, and the rest is history. And it was before Roy Vaughn was put there.
So, at the time of the televised spectacle of the Oswald shooting, Ruby was already in custody and being held up on the 5th floor jail in just his underwear. And they had SS agent Forrest Sorrels minding him.
It wasn't until 3:00 that the real Jack Ruby was slipped into the story for the first time. It was when they took him down to the 3rd floor which was packed with reporters and photographers. That was Jack Ruby's catwalk. And the poor guy was so drugged and impaired that he had no idea what was happening to him. And he never figured it out. He died with zero awareness of what really happened.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The National Geographic film about the JFK assassination included the clip of Lovelady in the Squad room, but they went about it all wrong. The story was supposed to be that he was wearing an orange plaid shirt, but instead, they made it grey. 

And, they made him extremely slender. His face is almost non-human. Have you ever seen a face that long and narrow before? 

 And Lovelady wasn't like that. The image next to Squad Room Lovelady is from 11/22/63. It was taken on the 6th floor, where Lovelady had escorted the cops up there. It's in his testimony, and it was only him. The image is from a film in which he is the only warehouse worker amidst a bunch of detectives and a few cops in uniform. 

And Lovelady never claimed that he saw Oswald at the DPD. Under oath, he said that the last time he saw Oswald was at the TSBD. And his wife Patricia, who was much more verbose than he was, never said it either. She called Harold Weisberg once and offered him $5000 if he would stop saying that Billy wore a striped shirt. Weisberg turned her down. And think about what $5000 in the 1960s was equivalent to today. I figure about $50,000. And it shows you that the Loveladys really climbed the ladder fast because his pay at the TSBD was only $1.11/hr, and he had to support a family of four. Then, a few years later, his wife was throwing $5000 around like it was chicken feed? (I shouldn't use that analogy because chicken feed isn't cheap any more). 

But, Harold Weisberg had it right. Lovelady did wear the short-sleeved, red and white, vertically striped shirt on 11/22. And Doorman's shirt wasn't plaid anyway; it was just grainy. 

Lovelady was not the Doorway Man; Oswald was. And Lovelady hated having to lie about it, partly because he was no good at it. He was a bad actor. It's not as though everybody can do it. 

But, speaking of acting, I had 3 scenes in Dovey's Promise. Why don't you check it out and tell me how I did? It's a great courtroom drama.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

 Here, they forgot that Leavelle was supposed to be handcuffed to Oswald. "Oswald" is clasping his hands in front of his body, but where is Leavelle's left hand? Shouldn't it be over there with Oswald's hands if they are cuffed together? The left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing.

The guy in the AP Newsreel simply isn't Oswald. Different shaped face, different eyes, different look. And notice that the impostor on the right had no swelling of his left eye, like Oswald did. 


 I have found some of the worst photographic malfeasance yet from the JFK assassination, and more specitically the Oswald assassination.

It's from a newsreel which supposedly features the AP film. I don't recall that there was an AP film. But, the Shooter comes in, and we see his face, and he doesn't look like Ruby or Bookhout. And if you look closely at Oswld in the first frame (upper-left), he doesn't look like Oswald.
But, the second frame is after the shot, and you can plainly see that Oswald has not slapped hsi arm to his chest. The timer says that a second has past, but it could be close to 2 seconds. But then, it all goes to blur. Inexplicably, and for no reason at all, the film just happened to blur there.
And then, lo and behold, in the 4th frame, it goes to a Jackson-like photo, with Oswald doing the arm-slap.
Now, that isn't real. And the film ends on that. It doesn't continue because it can't, since it's not running film. You can't go from a still image that you inserted back to running film.
What this is is an attempt make it look like there was a film that captured the Jackson photo. No film did. The Jackson photo wasn't shot during the Spectacle. It was shot at a photo-shoot before the Spectacle.
You can watch it here: . First, they show the KRLD footage, and then they go to thie "AP" footage. I put AP in quotes because there was no AP flm. There was NBC, KRLD, George Phenix, and WFAA. That's it. I've been at this for over a decade, and I never heard of an AP film.
They reenacted this in such a way that they could segue to the Jackson photo and sell it as a progression. And the Osawld figure in the moving film was not Oswald. I'll prove it by putting them side by side.