Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Robin Unger finally responded about the distortion in the Towner frame that he posted, and his response was simple: I did it. He thinks I am responsible for it, that the cropping and enlarging that I did of his frames caused it. These are his words exactly.
Every image that you "blow up" and crop becomes distorted, blurry and
pixilated. it doesn't surprise me, that you managed to do the same thing
with the Towner frames.
Your whole Blog is full of distorted, blurry, pixilated, images.
It shall not be difficult to prove Robin Unger wrong about that. All I have to do is post his images without any cropping or enlarging.
Nothing I did affected the size or format of the figures in question, the Mother and Baby. On top, you see Unger's original frame that shows them. They are plenty freaky, but what we see of them on the bottom right, close to the edge, is worse. There you see the brown stripe going across her face, and you see the deformity of the baby's body with the shape that I have likened to a seahorse. Compare it to the one above, and you'll see the difference. And that's without blowing it up or cropping it.
I am NOT the one who did it, Unger. The difference exists between the two frames that YOU posted, and it has nothing to do with me or anything I did. I'm just the guy who noticed it.
Still not convinced? Then go to Unger's site. He's got a page with 3 Towner frames. The second of the three is the one with the striped mother and seahorse baby, while the third shows the Mother and Baby in standard form. Here's the link:
Here is the distorted frame in which you can see the seahorse and the stripe:
And here's the standard one which appears below it on his site:
Now, all I did was transfer those images from his site to my computer, and then I posted them here. That's it. I did nothing else. I didn't crop a thing. I didn't blow anything up. I simply didn't do anything but transfer them. And you can see the differences I am talking about.
These are two frames from the Towner film separated by about a second of time. And for some reason, in the latter one, we can see these distortions.
So, now that we have established that I didn't do anything to cause those distortions, let Robin Unger try again to offer an explanation for how those distortions came about. I'm waiting.
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