Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How do we know what Oswald said, besides what we can hear him say? 

It's a fair question. And I would never be presumptuous about it, to just assume that they would tell the truth about everything Oswald said the way some people presume that they would never alter any image to support the official story of the JFK assassination, that every image is pure and lily-white. 

And I have expounded on how Fritz said that Oswald said he was eating lunch in the lunch room "with other employees" during the motorcade. That was a bold-faced lie. 

But, it was a lie told months after the assassination, and what Fritz was really doing was: giving the Warren Commission what they wanted.

How could he tell them the truth, that Oswald said that he was out with Bill Shelley in front? They didn't want to hear that. The purpose of the Warren Commission was to convict Oswald and to do it with as little conflicting evidence and testimony as possible. All they allowed on the contrary side were some relatively minor and manageable things, such as people saying they heard shots from the Grassy Knoll, which was attributed to echoes. The Warren Commission was NOT going to publish that Oswald said he was out with Bill Shelley in front during the motorcade. That would have eviscerated the whole Warren Report. And by the spring of 1964, Will Fritz knew that. HE TOOK THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. He lied. 

But, rewind to the afternoon of November 22, 1963. Oswald is being interrogated for the first time. Fritz is there, and so are two FBI agents: Hosty and Bookhout. It was a very different situation. Fritz had already been on the phone with LBJ's people. It's one of the reasons it got started late. So, he was certainly already feeling the pressure. But, try to understand what that pressure consisted of. It wasn't: YOU HAVE TO FIND FOR OSWALD BECAUSE WE KILLED KENNEDY, AND WE NEED TO FRAME HIM FOR IT. WE'RE THE REAL CRIMINALS, AND WE NEED YOUR HELP.


The pressure involved no admission of criminality on the part of anyone in government, and it also involved no request to do anything criminal on the part of Fritz. 

I'll point out again that it would help a lot if you would read LBJ:Mastermind of the JFK Assassination by Phil Nelson, which I have read twice. 

So, that was the framework that existed, and it gives us a basis to figure out what happened. The record has it that Oswald said he rode the bus and cab. If he didn't say that, then surely he said something else because what he did upon leaving Dealey Plaza and how he left Dealey Plaza HAD to be covered. So, if he said something else, such as that a friend picked him up, it would mean that ON THE SPOT, Fritz, Hosty, and Bookhout conspired to suppress that and lie by saying that Oswald claimed to ride the bus and cab. And that would mean that, from the very start of the investigation, there was an OVERT operation of corruption that was practiced by the Dallas Police and the FBI in full view of each other. 

And that goes completely against what the conspirators envisioned and wanted from the start, which was that Oswald would be seen as guilty by law enforcement not because they were corrupt but because they really believed he was guilty. 

And keep something in mind: you can't have a situation where both Oswald was guilty and the police were guilty. This is like a see-saw: if one side is up, the other side is down. If the police were guilty, then Oswald must have been innocent. 

The conspirators didn't want that. They were very concerned about the psychology and the sociology of the whole thing. 

Remember what Nicholas Katzenbach said in his memo: 

"The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial."

He was referring to the public, but you could just as easily substitute the word police. "The police must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large, and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial." 

That's what they wanted to happen with the police. NEVER would they have told Fritz to lie the way the Idiot Backes thinks. 

And even when Fritz lied to the Warren Commission, you could say he tweaked Oswald's story. Oswald DID say that he ate lunch in the downstairs lunch room. And although he didn't claim to eat with other employees, he did mention them as having been there. But, the main thing was that the lunch-eating was actually BEFORE the motorcade and not at the time of the motorcade. 

So, even in his own mind, Fritz may have felt that that he was in the ballpark and close enough for comfort.

But, if Oswald said that he was picked up in Dealey Plaza and driven away in a private car and that got changed to him taking a bus and cab, that's not a tweaking.  It is a gross fabrication that not even the best rationalizer in the world could rationalize. There is no way that Fritz did that on 11/22/63. And there is no way that anybody wanted him to do that. It's not the way they wanted the DPD investigation to go down. They wanted it to seem to go down on the level and still find for Oswald. Maybe you think they were shooting for the stars, but that's what they were shooting for. 

So Backes, you are living in a dream world. You don't have the slightest understanding of the dynamics of the group-think that they were trying to mold that day. In a nutshell, they wanted the Dallas Police to see Oswald as the killer the same way they wanted the American people to. They wanted them, the Dallas Police, to really believe that he was. And that can't happen if you start off by asking them to frame him. 

You're stupid, Backes. You were born stupid. You're always going to be stupid. Every breath you take is stupidity in/stupidity out. And when you die, even your ashes are going to be more stupid than anybody else's. You're really dumb. 

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