Friday, June 12, 2015

A Statement from Jim Fetzer

James Norwood falls far short of the JFK scholar I once assumed him to be. He begins by falsely asserting that the identification of Oswald as Doorman is based "exclusively" on the Altgens6, which is absurd. Most conspicuously, it would require COMPARISON PHOTOGRAPHS to establish the identity of Doorman as Oswald, so Norwood blunders by grossly overstating his case.
But we also have Oswald's assertion to Fritz that he was out with Bill Shelley in front, Billy Lovelady's observation that he was 2-3" shorter and 15-20 lbs heavier than Lee (which made it difficult for him to understand why people would mistake them) and his visit to the FBI on 29 February 1964 to show them the short-sleeved, red-and-white, vertically striped shirt he had worn.
Perhaps Norwood suffers from optical incompetence (or visual deficiencies), in which case he is disqualified from addressing these issues. The shirt that Doorman is wearing is a richly textured, long-sleeved shirt splayed open at the top, with a t-shirt beneath. It is not a short-sleeved, vertically-stripped shirt. Anyone who is visually competent can see that, but Norwood denies it.
It follows that either Norwood is visually incompetent or he is simply lying. I would have been hesitant to suggest he was lying in the past, given I have regarded him heretofore as a competent student of JFK. But his arguments here are so appallingly bad that I have been forced to reconsider my view. I now have serious doubts about his character, which go far beyond his vision.
There have only ever been three candidates for Doorman: Lee Oswald, Billy Lovelady and "Gorilla Man" (who is wearing the checkered shirt and doesn't even remotely resemble either Lovelady or Doorman). Moreover, the shirt he is wearing is buttoned up to the collar, while Doorman's was splayed open. And Judyth has shown the checkered shirt and Doorman's are not the same.
At least, Gorilla Man's shirt is long-sleeved. The man standing next to Door- man with his hands raised to protect his eyes from the Sun is 2-3" shorter than Doorman and appears to out-weight him by 15-20 lbs. He doesn't have the slender build of Doorman but differs from him in height, weight and shirt. So that Norwood could seriously entertain Lovelady as Doorman is bizarre.
Moreover, Jones Harris flew to Dallas not long after the assassination and spoke with Billy, who acknowledged that he had been wearing the red-and- white, short-sleeved shirt he had shown to the FBI. And Ralph has shown the deceptive maneuvers of George Ball to misrepresent the evidence with respect to "Lovelady's arrow", which he drew on a commission photograph.
Lee Oswald, by comparison, is the right height, weight and build to be the man known as "Doorman". So we not only have the argument by elimination that it cannot be Lovelady and that it cannot be Gorilla Man but a great deal of additional evidence confirming that Lee Oswald was Doorman. Norwood tries to obfuscate by suggesting he may have subsequently changed shirts.
But given the astonishing resemblance of the shirt he was wearing when he was arrested and the shirt on Doorman, the probability that he changed into a shirt with such striking resemblance has to approximate zero. Norwood is grasping after straws. Marina told Ed Tatro (as he reported during the Olney College JFK Conference in 2013) that she recalled having washed that shirt.
It is a common tactic of disinformation to beg questions and restrict alterna- tive hypotheses and relevant evidence RIGHT OFF THE BAT. That is what James Norwood does here by suggesting the conclusion that Oswald was Doorman is based EXCLUSIVELY on the Altgens6. As I have explained, we have many sources that together yield the conclusion Oswald was Doorman. 

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