Thursday, June 4, 2015

Backes, you're deteriorating, and considering how little you started with, it's pathetic. I get it that you like to start your blogs trash-talking about me- that I've never read a book; I don't know what light is; I don't know what shade is, etc etc.- before you get to whatever point you want to make. But, what's happening is that your trash-talking is getting longer; it's dominating all your posts; while your point-making is getting shorter. 

So instead, here's a suggestion; just do this: Put up a brief summary statement, such as


and then get to your fucking point. Sabe? I'm not interested in your shit, and I'm not going to wade through it. If you have a point to make, then make it. You don't get any points for the trash talk. You actually have to make an argument, a persuasive argument, a rational argument. That's the only thing that matters. And, if you had a valid point to make it, you'd want to get to it instead waxing on and on with your trash-talk. So, you're only demonstrating that you got nothing; you're running on empty. 

Now, I said that the Lovelady clip got "separated" from the Martin film because we know of no version of the Martin film which contains it. And even when it was first showcased, it was done so from the DCA compilation, not the Martin film. Even Gary Mack admitted to me that he knows of no version of the Martin film which has the Lovelady clip, where the 25 seconds of motorcade footage is followed by the Lovelady clip in one intact continuous film. Jack Martin presumably shot one film, and yet no one, to this day, has a copy of it in which both the pre-assassination and post-assassination portions occur together and in sequence. 

Here is the Martin film:

Find the Lovelady clip in it. And if you can't find the Lovelady clip in it, then provide a link to another version of the Martin film which has the Lovelady clip. But, if like Gary Mack, you don't know of such a version, then shut the fuck up; you can't just assume that it exists.

Gary made it clear that they have an actual copy of the Martin film, a physical roll of film, but it does not include the Lovelady clip. That means that if it originally contained it, that somebody took a scissor to the film. 

But, it is my contention that that claim is a lie, that it was NEVER part of the Martin film, and the evidence for that is the gross qualitative difference in the quality of the two films. Essentially, the Lovelady clip is the best quality film from the JFK assassination while the Martin motorcade footage is the worst. 

And that is logical grounds to doubt that they were ever connected. 

Then, you said this: 

The Martin film was processed so as to get the maximum amount of the color red, and then the color blue out of the film. This was done to help bring out these colors to show it was a plaid shirt that Lovelady is wearing.

And being the stupid shit that you are, you don't realize how corrupt it is. It's not about trying to maximize this color or that color. It wasn't an advertising campaign. 

In the film as we see it, there is NO red and NO blue. 

Were they also trying to maximize the red in his neck and on his ear? Because there is red on his neck and on his ear. Did they also decide to grow him a thick beard and freakishly bulge his muscles? It is a highly distorted image on the right, but you're too damn stupid to see it. 

And that's it! That's all of the points you made and both of them were dead wrong. 

You're stupid, Backes. And you will NEVER speak at a JFK conference again. This is it for you. This shit you do here is the only thing you're known for- nothing else. What, do you think you're going to be invited to give a speech about how Oswald was picked up in Dealey Plaza in a private car, but you don't know what car it was, who the driver was, how it was arranged, when it was arranged, who arranged it, or why? And you actually think that on the afternoon of November 22, the Dallas Police Department, with not much to do that day, embarked on a campaign to frame Oswald for riding a bus and cab, replete with a wild script, phony witnesses, and phony physical evidence. And they had that phony physical evidence ready to enter into evidence by 4:00.

You're stupid, Backes. You've got the brains of a bowl of Jello, which I'm sure could beat you at chess.   

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