Sunday, July 26, 2015

This was the Moorman photo recreation that a team did. I figure that if he was facing Elm St. perpendicularly, he would probably be facing the lamp-post. So, that is actually quite a big angle. It's not like it's 5 degrees.

So, what were this team (it was more than one guy) going by to come to this conclusion? And again, they had no association with me, and they were not trying to prove that Mary Moorman didn't take the photo.  

But, the three things that jump out when you look at the photo which suggest such an angle are these:

1. the fact that JFK and Jackie, the subjects of the photo, are so far off-center. The limo was stopped or nearly stopped at the time, and if the photographer was facing them directly, it would have been very easy to center them in the photo. But, it's not so easy on a diagonal. We don't have as much sense of center on a diagonal. It's easy to center something from side to side when you are facing it perpendicularly, but on a diagonal, we just don't have the same sense of center. And the farther out you go, the more the center eludes you. What's the center here?

But, when you are shooting at something perpendicularly, and it's a matter of balancing right and left, then we get a strong sense of center, and it's pretty easy to get your subject in the center.  

2. the proportionate size of the figures. That nearest cop looms so large, that you know the photographer was close to him. The Kennedys seems much smaller, so much smaller that one feels that the distance from the cop to them was added to the distance from the photographer to the cop.  

Then when you see how small the figures on the steps are, we get more of a sense of additive distances from photographer to cop, from cop to Kennedys, and from Kennedys to standing figures. It looks like one progressive line of sight going from right to left diagonally.  

3. the lack of parallel between the base of the limo and the bottom of the picture also suggests an angular picture, according to what the Professor demonstrated mathematically. For instance, in this picture below, the line of the car is parallel with the bottom of the picture, and it's because the photographer was facing the street perpendicularly.

But, in the Moorman photo, we have non-parallel lines between the limo line and the bottom of the picture. 

Again, this guy and his team reached the exact same conclusion about how the Moorman photo was taken, and he is demonstrating that position. 

So, this is one more guy you are going to have to say is wrong, if you dare. But, another option is to try to find an image of Mary Moorman standing like that on 11/22/63, facing that way, and then see if the scene in the street at the time corresponds to what we see in the Moorman photo. Lots of luck with that.  

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