Friday, September 4, 2015

No, Hondo. I said you couldn't capture the right arm only of someone who was passing you with his left side facing you, and I was right. 

But, I meant of course: without cropping. But, you went ahead and cropped. It's just that you did it by using your zoom function, which acted like a crop. You reduced the field by about 2/3! 

Mary Moorman didn't have a zoom function. She didn't zoom, and that means you can't zoom. Are you that dense? I said: you can't zoom.  

When you just shoot the picture normally and naturally, capturing the whole field, there is no chance that you're going to get that. You're going to get this:


And notice that my arms are diagonal, just like the Dallas motorcycle cops.  Let's see you use your zoom function to reduce that to the right arm, asshole. 

And now, amazingly, Hondo is playing the "windshield distortion card." 

Yeah, there is distortion there, alright: the deliberate distortion of a phony thumbprint that supposedly was done to a perfectly dry, stable photograph- for the first and only time in photographic history. It reminds me of the Twin Towers being the only high-rise steel office buildings to collapse straight down into their own footprints. You asked about density? Density is the state of your mind resulting from an overdose of the religion known as statism. 

But, above is all we really have of the Moorman photo. All the ones without the thumbprint were photoshopped (and I'm using the word generically; it wasn't necessarily done with Photoshop).

Remember: they kept going back to Mary to get her photo. They had their own copies. They had numerous ones; and bigger and better than hers. And yet, they repeatedly needed to go back and get hers. Why the Hell? BECAUSE THEY WERE GOING TO ALTER IT, which meant that they had to alter the original too. 

And the last time, when they altered it, it must have come out so bad, so sloppy, so obviously altered, that they decided that a nice coat of thumbprint was just what was needed to muck it up but good. That way, nobody could see their handiwork. You have to admit that the white is awfully dense in the center. 

It's practically a solid coat of white paint in the center. What an outrage that they actually claim that a thumb did that to a dry photograph.  

So no, you are not playing the windshield distortion card. Not on my watch you're not. I just won't allow it. You hear me? Now, if you don't like, then you can load tomatoes on raven feathers all night long. Knock yourself out. 

Here we are looking at three Dallas PD motorcycle cops, and we are not seeing any distortion through their windshields. 

So, another stupid bpetery is defeated. I'm telling you: you should have stayed true to the noble Cherokee people instead of selling yourself out to the white man, joining his rampaging Army which killed countless millions of innocent people, and usually people of color, and now covering up his vicious crimes from the past and committing crimes in the present in order to do it. What a life. 

Oh, "they" existed. I'm talking about the people who killed Kennedy. That's who "they" are. Capisce? And if you don't believe there was a "they" then you check with James Norwood because he'll straighten you out. He knows that Oswald was innocent, or at least he claims to know it. And Kennedy wasn't going to kill himself. He had to be killed. And since there was more than one person involved, that makes it a "they". 

And if you're sure there was no "they" then why do you say, at times, that Oswald MAY have been innocent? If he was innocent, then others had to have killed Kennedy. We certainly can't assume that it was yet another lone nut. 

So, stop acting so dense about the "they", and it most certainly is an act that you're putting on. 

Now, the bpeter thinks he knows how 13 year old Tina Towner had her movie camera set. 

No, Martin's forearm was NOT horizontal. That's just another stupid bpetery.

His arm was diagonal, clearly seen in the Muchmore film. And that, by the way, is the  moment the Moorman photo was taken, and you're looking at the photographer. 

I know very well that you didn't learn to lie from the Cherokee. You learned to lie in your disinfo training- what you learned from the white man when you were taught how to be a cyber hitman. And that is what you are. 

And you're being evasive about what you did. You started by zooming, which is just another way of cropping. Mary's camera didn't have a zoom. Therefore, nothing you did has any relevance whatsoever to the Moorman photo.

All you did was crop the photo using the zoom function.  But, I won't say no good came out of it at all because when I go to Dealey Plaza, I am going to take so many pictures, and I'll do this and that and the other thing to try, in earnest, to capture just a part of the right arm as the person is passing me with his left side presenting. And when I'm finished, there won't be anything left to try. And we'll see how close it comes to this:

But, I'm going to be a stickler. That's all it can catch. If it catches anything more, it's a victory for me. 

And before I go to Dealey Plaza, I'll find out exactly how high BJ Martin's hands were from the ground. 

But frankly, you're making a stink about nothing because in the above picture if my arms were lower, the results would have been about the same. It is so far from this:

that it doesn't matter. You hear me? I said it doesn't matter. But, what does matter is that the OIC continues to grow, and I expect a very big name to be entering soon. And they don't get any bigger. The irrelevant one around here is you.

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