Friday, September 4, 2015

There is another problem with Hondo's experiment, and that is that he shot the whole thing perpendicularly. He was perpendicular to his subject. 

That's a problem because we have it from a Physics professor, who has about 9 levels higher education than Hondo has, that the Moorman photo was taken at an angle, on a diagonal. The photographer was not facing Elm Street squarely. The angle between the photographer and BJ Martin was not 90 degrees. So, why did Hondo make his image at 90 degrees? Stupid is what stupid does, that's why. 

So, even though we don't have any images of Mary Moorman in which she is turned and shooting diagonally at the Kennedys (and that's true all the way to Z-315; there isn't one iota of difference in Mary's position and orientation between Z-300 and Z-315; she is frozen through that span) it doesn't change the fact that the Moorman photo was taken at an angle. 

Therefore, what Hondo did cannot possibly be right. It cannot possibly be relevant to the Moorman photo.   

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