Saturday, October 31, 2015

Someone contacted me and said that Robert Kennedy's closest advisers warned him that if he interfered with what was going on after the assassination, if he opposed what they were saying and doing, that it would throw the entire government into chaos, and not just the whole government but the whole country, and maybe even the whole economy, because, after all, an economy, especially a modern, industrial one, needs a strong, effective, and legitimate government- or at least one that seems legitimate. 

But, it goes to show you how different people are because my response to them would have been:

"I don't care. We have to do it because we can't let the forces of evil  take over this country- even temporarily. The American people are strong; they are resilient; and they are resourceful. They'll survive. This was a bloody coup, and we can't let it succeed. We have to fight them and fight them now."

And here's the clincher: Those advisers? The ones who urged Robert Kennedy to lay low and keep his mouth shut? They didn't do anything even after the same bloodied bastards killed him. They never did anything. I guess the time was never right for them.

What they said wasn't a rationale- it was a rationalization. 

But, I also received a much appreciated message from a prominent researcher. It's not someone I have ever mentioned; I don't think. I'm not going to provide his name or even his initials. And that's because I know how vicious the people who are opposing me. If he was a nobody, I might tell you, but he's a somebody. But, here is what he said: 

Hello, Ralph,

I agree with you 100%.

By maintaining "political correctness," personal silence and tip-toeing through the Washington political matrix, RFK failed his brother, failed his family, failed his country, and he paid for that lapse of judgment with his life.

RFK's silence and his own death at the hands of the same men who killed his brother are the reasons why it has befallen upon us to do "a brother's work" on his behalf.  And only when we have succeeded will both of their souls truly "Rest in Peace." 


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