Someone sent me this photograph of what is being called Jack Ruby's hat on the floor of the police garage after the scuffle. But, just because it's claimed doesn't mean it's true. The hat in the photo appears to be black. Officially, Ruby's hat was grey. The image of it on the right is from the Library of Congress.
Somebody paid over $58,000 for Ruby's hat, and I have to laugh. Oh, how much faith people have.
Let's be clear: Ruby was not in the garage during the spectacle. He was already being held up on the 5th floor. SS Agent Forest Sorrell was minding him. Ruby got to the garage early, about an hour early, and he told the Warren Commissioners that he sent the money wire at 10:15.
But, it may be that FBI Agent James Bookhout did wear Ruby's suit and his hat. And what supports that is the fact that for a long while, Ruby was kept in his underwear up in the jail. That is reported in two books: Reclaiming History, by Vincent Bugliosi and Moment of Madness: The People vs. Jack Ruby by Elmer Gertz, who was one of Ruby's lawyers. Can you think of a reason why they would keep him in his underwear, other than them needing his clothes?
The framing of Jack Ruby had to be the biggest psychological swindle of all time. 50 years passed before anybody figured it out that it wasn't him in the garage. And the first person to do so was the Russian, Maxim Irkutsk, in 2013.
I"ll leave you with this: the authorities needed Oswald dead. Why do you think they wouldn't let him see a lawyer? If Oswald has seen a lawyer, they would have had to kill the lawyer. And remember: there was no gag order. Whaever Oswald told his lawyer, the lawyer could have gone public with.
And Oswald would have told his lawyer plenty. He would have told him that he was standing in the doorway of the Book Depository during the shooting. And it's likely that his lawyer would have shown him the Altgens photo. The authorities showed the Altgens photo to Lovelady but not to Oswald. How do you make sense of that? If the figure in a photo had to be one of two men, wouldn't you show it to both of them? Oswald was alive Saturday night. That's when they showed the Altgens photo to Lovelady. So, why not show it to Oswald too?
But going on, it's certain that Oswald would have told the lawyer that he owned no rifle and never ordered one from Chicago. Now, if the lawyer believed him, what would his next thought be? He knew that the paper trail from Chicago was proffered by the FBI. So, if he believed Oswald, then he would have known, immediately, that the FBI was framing him.
And then, we can be sure that Oswald would have told the lawyer that he never posed for the Backyard photos. He surely would have told the lawyer the same thing he told the police, that somebody put his face over the body of another man.
The brazen lies would have jumped out at the lawyer, and he would have demolished them in court. There could be no trial for Lee Harvey Oswald. There could only be death for Lee Harvey Oswald. And the FBI didn't just get lucky that Jack Ruby came along and did it. He didn't! The framing of Ruby and the killing of Oswald was all part of the plan-their plan. Not Ruby's plan; theirs.
And I know that when people here this for the first time, they think that it's too far-fetched. But, that really isn't the problem. The problem is the magnitude of the evil involved. They don't think anything this evil could happen in the United States of America. Well, it could happen; it did happen; and plenty more evil followed as a direct result of it.