Saturday, August 3, 2024

 When people first hear me say that Jack Ruby was innocent, their intuitive response is to say that that's impossible because we all saw Ruby do it, that it was filmed, and millions saw it on television. But, no! Millions saw a short, pudgy,  middle-aged white man do it, whose face was never exposed to the camera. Their belief that it was Ruby comes, not from seeing him, but from being told that he was Ruby. And if you look closely at the visual elements that there are of the Shooter and compare them to the corresponding elements of Ruby, you'll see that they were different men. 

For instance:

1. The Shooter was shorter than Ruby. The Shooter was shorter than Oswald, which you can plainly see  in the Beers photo. But, Ruby was the same height as Oswald: 5'9".

  2. The Shooter had a short, burly neck, whereas Ruby had a longer and more slender neck.

3. Their hair was very different. The Shooter was wearing a wig, and his neck in back was razored clean. He didn't have any fuzzy hair growth back there. Ruby did. And he didn't  have long curls at the bottom of a mop, like the Shooter. 

That is different hair, yet, both images were taken on the same day; so they can't be the same guy. 

4. Ruby wore black socks and high-top work shoes, whereas the Shooter wore dressy wingtips and light-colored socks.

After this pointed out, they quickly made it that the Dallas City Jail changed every stitch of clothing on Ruby and his shoes for his overnight stay,  but it was an insane claim. It was a City Jail where defendants are left in their street clothes since they are there for such a short time. As soon as they are arraigned, they leave. They are either transferred to the County Jail, or they are released on bail until trial. And the U.S. Constitution guarantees a speedy arraignment. 

So, it was an exception that they gave Ruby the white cabana outfit, which they were obviously prepared to do. They did not stock such things at the City Jail. But, claiming that they also changed his underwear took it into the realm of the absurd. 

It wasn't Jack Ruby wielding the gun in the garage. It was FBI Agent James Bookhout. 


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