Friday, September 20, 2024

It's often claimed that the Mafia forced Ruby to kill Oswald, that he was threatened with great harm if he didn't do it. It is a ridiculous claim, and I'll explain why. 

First, we know all of Ruby's movements, minute by minute, from the Thursday to the Sunday. You can see it right here: 

So, when did this meeting between Ruby and the Mafia take place in which they threatened him? And what exactly did they threaten him with? The story often goes that they threatened to kill his sister if he didn't do it. But, it's just made-up fodder. There is no evidence for it, let alone proof. There is NOTHING to substantiate it. 

But, let's take it further. What if someone ordered you to kill someone with the threat of killing your sister if you didn't? Would you go out and kill the person? Well, I have a sister, and if someone ordered me to kill someone, threatening to kill her if I didn't, I would not go out and kill the person. I would go to the police and report the threat. And I would inform my sister and take measures to protect her. But, I would not, for one second, consider committing the murder. 

And remember that Ruby knew many Dallas policemen and detectives.  He was on a friendly, first name basis with them. He gifted them. He contributed to their fundraisers. Surely, if his life or the life of his sister was threatened, he would go to them. Wouldn't he? 

All the stories you have heard about Ruby being a Mafioso are lies. You see: the people who framed him for killing Oswald wanted to insure that no one would suspect the truth, that he was tricked into thinking that he shot Oswald. So, by couching him as a Mafioso, a hit man, a pimp, and even a participant in Kennedy's murder, it steered thinking far away from the truth, which was that he was completely, totally innocent. And there are cues that the official narrative about him is false. First, he was very adoring of the Dallas Police. He was like a groupie to them. Why would a criminal be so adoring of the police? Second, he was a devout Jew. He frequented the synagogue. He counseled with his rabbi, often. Ruby was far more devout than most people. For instance, JFK was nominally a Catholic, but he wasn't devout at all. For him, religion was just a pin that he wore. He was a politician, and politicians need to have a respectable religion, and his was Catholicism. But, Ruby wasn't a politician. He sincerely practiced the Jewish faith, which doesn't permit murder. 

But, the bottom line is that there was no meeting between Ruby and the Mafia in which he was ordered to kill Oswald, under threat of him being killed or his sister being killed. That is totally made up. And it couldn't have happened before the assassination, and we know everything he did and everyone he talked to after the assassination. So, show me in this timetable when his meeting with the Mafia took place:

It didn't take place. It never happened. It's just a falsehood that a lot of people repeat, in which some of them know better, and some of them don't. 

So, what is the evidence that Ruby was ever ordered by the Mafia to kill Oswald, under threat of killing him or his sister? I want specific, concrete, tangible proof that such a meeting took place. I want to know when it took place; where it took place; and who was involved. And you can't just say "It was Santos Trafficante" because you have proof of that. Your ability to say it doesn't make it true, and it doesn't even make it credible. I need verifiable proof. 

But remember: the Mafia story is NOT the official story. The official story is that Ruby did it entirely by himself. The first story that came out was that Ruby did it to save Jackie a trip to Dallas to testify at Oswald's trial.  But then it came out that Ruby's lawyer Tom Howard made that up. Then, the story became that Ruby was raging and fuming about Oswald the whole weekend and stalking him, but that's a lie. Here, Ruby denies that he felt any anger at all that weekend.

Another time, he even made a joke about it. He said that there was no conspiracy, that he didn't tell anyone; not even himself. 

And Ruby didn't stalk Oswald. He did not go to the DPD on Friday afternoon. He did not go to the Texas Theater. Those are lies. He did go to the DPD on Friday night, but it wasn't to see Oswald; it was to deliver sandwiches, first to the detectives, but then when they turned  them down, it was to give them to the television crew. He already bought the sandwiches, so he had to do something with them. 

At Ruby's trial, Henry Wade argued that it was cold-blooded murder, that Ruby wanted the fame of being the one who killed Oswald. But, the story evolved after that into something closer to what the Defense claimed, which was that Ruby shot Oswald unconsciously, that he just snapped. The diagnostic term that Melvin Belli put to it, "psychomotor epilepsy" didn't stick, but the idea that it was a "moment of madness" did. That, by the way, was the title of a book by Ruby's other lawyer, Elmer Gertz.