The testimony of James Leavelle is astonishing. For years, I have said that if they were concerned that someone would try to kill Oswald, why not move him in the dead of night with no fanfare?
Well, Leavelle claimed to have a different but related idea. He said he recommended to Fritz that they just stand up the reporters and spectators and sneak Oswald out another way.
Mr. LEAVELLE. I earlier suggested to Captain Fritz that we make the suggestion to the Chief that we take him out to the first floor and put him out at Main Street to a car and proceed to the County Jail that way and leave them waiting in the basement and on Commerce Street, and we could be to the County Jail before anyone knew what was taking place.
Mr. HUBERT. What time did you make that suggestion, Sir?
Mr. LEAVELLE. That was either just before or just after--probably just after I had gone there and got Oswald and we were talking about the transfer. Mr. HUBERT. Who did you make that suggestion to?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I made it to Captain Fritz.
Mr. HUBERT. What answer did you receive from him?
Mr. LEAVELLE. He said he didn't think the Chief would go for it.
Mr. HUBERT. Did he say why?
Mr. LEAVELLE. Because, he said, the Chief had given his word to the Press that they would transfer him at a time when they could make pictures.
What? The Press had been making pictures of Oswald all weekend, including at the Midnight Press conference. Leavelle attended it, wearing a dark suit.
Oswald was arraigned for Tippit's murder before the MPC, and he was arraigned for JFK's murder right after it. Prisoners usually get transferred to the County Jail right after their arraignment.
So, why didn't they transfer Oswald on Saturday? They transferred Ruby to the County Jail the very next day, so why not Oswald?
Leavelle even wore his Easter suit on Saturday. What does that tell you? It tells me that they were considering making the transfer on Saturday, and in the same way, and with the same outcome.
Hubert asked Leavelle if he told the FBI the same thing, that he wanted to sneak Oswald out privately, and Leavelle said he did. But then, Hubert produced his two statements to the FBI, and he didn't. Look how that lying bastard squirmed.
Mr. LEAVELLE. Well, to the best of my knowledge it seems as though I might have made that suggestion, made the reference to that, but whether whoever was taking it said that they didn't need it in their report. I'm sure that's--now, of course, I can't swear to this, but I think that is correct because I know I--I am not able to recall at this time exactly what the conversation was between myself and the agent--I--in this, in its entirety, I do know there was one or two things that I told them about, which they did say that they didn't think was necessary for their report, so, they did not put it in there. Now, whether that was one of them or not, I do not recall.
This is what Leavelle said about how they moved Ruby on Monday.
Mr. LEAVELLE. We went up Commerce to the Pearl Expressway and cut back on the expressway to Main Street, and came down Main Street to Houston Street where the jail is located, and around the corner on Houston Street, to the entrance of the County Jail.
Mr. HUBERT. Did you have any trouble with the traffic going down Main Street?
Mr. LEAVELLE. We caught every light green going down. Didn't have to stop.
What? Commerce and Main were and are parallel and adjacent. So, was there a freeway on-ramp and a freeway off-ramp just a block apart? I've never heard of such a thing.
But, why didn't they turn left on the first street they got to and just go around the block? Or, if it was one-way and the wrong way, they could take the next one. Whether for Oswald or Ruby, why make a big loop?
And in Oswald's case, he was bleeding to death. So, since Commerce was closed to regular traffic- and we have the footage to prove it- they should have turned right on Commerce to Harwood. There's no excuse for not doing it, and it means they were trying to kill Oswald.
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Friday, December 27, 2024
So, this is the ambulance driver Michael Hardin's testimony about how he went to Parkland:
Mr. HARDIN: We went east on Commerce to the Pearl Expressway, and north on the expressway to Elm, and then west on Elm to Harwood, and then north on Harwood to Harry Hines, and north on Harry Hines to Parkland.
This is the ambulance with Oswald turning left on Commerce St. They drove all the way down to the Pearl Freeway, even though it was the wrong direction. All they had to do was turn right on Commerce and go about 150 feet to the corner of Harwood and turn right. Then, going north on Harwood, it would have been a straight shot to Parkland Hospitald, practically like the crow flies.
Amidst all the lies about Ruby being a gangster, a hit man, and a violent person who threw people down the stairs, you should listen to Bill DeMar. He was an MC and entertainer for Ruby at the Carousel Club, and he was interviewed by Dan Rather on the day Oswald was killed.
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Watch this interview of Jim Leavelle. At the 5 minute mark, the interviewer asked him if he recognized Ruby as soon as he saw him, and Leavelle said, "Yes, I've known Jack Ruby for years, and I recognized him as soon as he emerged from the crowd."
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
The hand of Oswald on his chest in the Jackson photo really is a monstrosity. It is grotesque, and it is screaming out loud that the photo was tampered with. And to demonstrate that, I have a drawn a line across his wrist. I want you to compare it to the line across my wrist, next to it, which didn't need any drawing because you can plainly see it.
Now, there are people who are going to say that there is some other material from his sweater that is covering his wrist, but look at my wrist and you'll see that that isn't possible. The shirt, or the sweater, fits snugly, and there is no other material that could cover his wrist. It is an exceedingly grotesque visual of a hand and wrist, and if you compare it to other images of hands and wrists, you'll realize how freaky it is.And that was as visible and apparent in 1963 as it is today. So, how could people not see it? How could Ruby's lawyers not see it?Well, that is a question for Sociology. But, the short answer is that when "group-think" takes over, it's like the movement of a herd. It's like lemmings going over a cliff. The belief that Ruby shot Oswald was presented without any alternatives, and without any that people could even imagine. They couldn't imagine that the Dallas Police killed Oswald and framed Ruby. That idea didn't exist even as a theoretical possibility. And that is why the grotesque abnormalities in the photographic record of the Oswald shooting went unnoticed and unseen.
But, that was 1963, and this is 2025. There's no excuse for not seeing it today. And the implications are that the State killed Oswald, after having killed Kennedy. So, when I say that the Dallas Police killed Oswald, I don't mean that they did it as their own, personal vendetta. There is no way they would have done that. I mean that they did it as agents of the State, of the federal government, and of President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who put them up to it as their Commander in Chief. They were all ex-military guys. There is no way they would have done it otherwise. LBJ is the one who ordered it, sanctioned it, and legitimized it.
What kind of year is 2025 going to be- for you? Of coruse, I don't know, but I hope it's a good year for you. But, what I really mean is, what kind of development and awakening are you going to have in 2025? And I suggest that having an awakening about the JFK assassination might be liberating. It might change the way you look at a lot of things.
Looking at these images, it's clear that the one on the left isn't right. And, it's also clear that there is no innocent explanation for it. Don't listen to those who tell you to brush it off. Don't accept their lame excuses for why it looks the way it does. Let's be defiant and demand an end to the lies-and for our own sake.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
The truth is that there is no excuse for the weird configuration of Leavelle's arm. An arm is an arm. It comes down from the shoulder. There is nothing that could create the weird geometry we see on the left.
Roger Scott Cathey asked me to redo my posing as the stricken Oswald in the Jackson photo, and I have done so. He wanted my right hand to be higher, like Oswald's is, and I have done that.
Monday, December 23, 2024
This is Marina's Warren Commission testimony in which gave a minute by minute account of what happened to her on Sunday. And you'll notice that she didn't say anything about going to the hospital to view her dead husband.
I pointed out that in the picture I posted, the child that Marina is walking with could not possibly be 17 month old June. I also said that the tube that Marguerite was carrying was not newborn Rachel. And besides that photo, there is a film of them walking into Parkland, and Marguerite is carrying Rachel differently, more horizontally and without the tight wrap. So, which is the real and which is the fake? They're both fake.From looking at the film, it looks like them, and it may have been a reenactment. I know there was a reeanactment because Michael Hardin's hair is very different from how it was on November 24.
Mrs. Oswald: I remember that en route, in the car, Mike Howard or Charley Kunkel said that Lee had been shot today.
At first he said that it wasn't serious--perhaps just not to frighten me. I was told that he had been taken to a hospital, and then I was told that he had been seriously wounded.
Then they had to telephone somewhere. They stopped at the house of the chief of police, Curry. From there, I telephoned Ruth to tell her that I wanted to take several things which I needed with me, and asked her to prepare them. And that there was a wallet with money and Lee's ring.
Soon after that--Robert was no longer with me, but Gregory was there, and the mother, and the Secret Service agents. They said that Lee had died.
After that, we went to the Motel Inn, the Six Flags Inn, where I stayed for several days--perhaps two weeks--I don't know.
Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall what time of the day you heard that your husband had been shot?
Mrs. OSWALD. Two o'clock in the afternoon, I think.
Mr. RANKIN. And where were you at that time?
Mrs. OSWALD. I was in a car.
Mr. RANKIN. Just riding around, or at some particular place?
Mrs. OSWALD. No, not at two o'clock earlier. Lee was shot at 11 o'clock. It was probably close to 12 o'clock. He died at one.
Mr. RANKIN. And where was the car that you were in at that time?
Mrs. OSWALD. We were on the way to Chief Curry, en route front the hotel.
Mr. RANKIN. What did you do after you went to the motel?
Mrs. OSWALD. I left with Robert and we prepared for the funeral. Then Ruth Paine sent my things to me via the agent.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
This is another recreation of Leavelle with his hand in Oswald's pants. Since a man's arm is longer than the belt-level of a man's pants, it means the elbow has to be bent. And you can see that my elbow is bent, as I pretend to do it. There is no weird crease or fold between my shoulder and my elbow. But, on Leavelle, there is, and it isn't normal.
But, you should also compare the length of Leavelle's two arms. Can you see that his right arm, which is on our left, is much longer than his left arm? And that is one thing that is symmetrical about men: the length of their arms.
The bullet entered Oswald's body at the 7th rib, and it came to rest under the skin at the 11th rib. So, it almost traversed him. To extract the bullet, a Parkland doctor just lanced the skin over the 11th rib, and it fell out.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
On the left, I have a very tight grip on the gun. And you need a tight grip because the less the gun moves, the better. My index finger is not just there to squeeze the trigger. It is also gripping the gun on the right side.
This is me poised to shoot with my index finger on the trigger (left) and my middle finger (right). With my index finger, it feels like my hand fits the gun like a glove. It feels very snug and secure, with no play at all. Using my middle finger, I only have two fingers, my ring finger and pinkie, wrapped around the grip in front, which makes the grip a lot weaker.
It was Ruby's left index finger that was partically amputated. So, there was no need and no excuse for him to shoot with his right middle finger. It wasn't him. The problem was that Boohout got the wrong information. Someone mistakenly told him that it was Ruby's right index finger that was snipped, and that's why Bookhout used his middle finger. It's called a production error. Every movie has got them. All except Dovey's Promise. So, watch it.
Here is me recreating Leavelle holding Oswald by the pants. What you see on me is the natural flow of my arm as well as the jacket sleeve. That weird configuration on Leavelle is impossible.