Saturday, July 12, 2014

From McAdams forum by a guy named Cinque:

We are getting off point here. And the point is that the official JFK story is pap spewed out under the power of officialdom, but the "Oswald did it within a conspiracy" is just an alternative form of the pap. Think about the polls they conduct in which they ask people, "Do you think Oswald acted alone or do you think he acted within a conspiracy?" What???? How about he didn't act at all? How about he was just standing there in the doorway, clasping his hands? 

I'm sure that the vast majority of CTs are Oswald-innocent CTs, not Oswald-guilty CTs, otherwise known as HSCA CTs.  In fact, I'll go so far as to say that the majority of HSCA CTs are phonies. They're just pretending to be CTs. They're just establishment apologists who want to have a CT label. 

I'm here to tell you that the whole idea that the Mafia, the CIA or anyone else would have had Lee Harvey Oswald pumping rounds from the 6th floor is stupid. It is insane. He was not an assassin. He was not even a marksman. He was just a guy who did the minimal amount of shooting required by the Marines, and he was lackluster at that. And, it was a kind of shooting that had nothing whatsoever to do with being a sniper. Stop the nonsense. Stop the stupidity. Oswald didn't shoot anybody, and saying that he was shooter within a conspiracy is just plain bloodied. The people who are saying it are bloodied.  

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