Friday, July 11, 2014

I would like to know if people can see the anatomical differences between these two men: Billy Lovelady on the left and Gorilla Man from the Martin film on the right. 

Joseph Backes can't see them, even with the lines I have drawn, and I want to see if others can. 

The top lines show the difference in the shape of their heads and foreheads: Gorilla Man's being one continuous curve like that of a gorilla and Lovelady's being more square and angular. The circled ears simply point out how different their ears were, Gorilla Man's being block-like and Lovelady's being much more tapered. This difference is night and day. The circled noses show that Gorilla Man's nose was short and stubby while Lovelady's was larger and longer. Then the bottom parallel lines show that Gorilla Man had a forward neck, which deviated greatly from normal while Lovelady had a normal vertical neck. There are other things, but these are the differences I have demonstrated. Does anyone have trouble seeing them? Can you see that these are different men? 

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