Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The why is self-explanatory, Backass. Lovelady reported that he left the entrance almost immediately- before Baker even reached the steps- and he never returned to the front. After walking down to the first railroad track with Shelley and a throng of others, they returned to the back of the TSBD and reentered through the back door. Therefore, at 12:45, there is NO CHANCE that Lovelady was milling around in front. Hence, that guy, whom we call Gorilla Man, cannot possibly be Lovelady.   

Understand now? Good. Add the fact that they are anatomically different men, and it really becomes a moot question.

They are different men, Backass. I'm not asking you; I'm telling you. Gorilla Man was NOT Lovelady. And it looks like your hero Richard E. Sprague suspected as much. 

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