Thursday, June 11, 2015

I want to thank OIC senior member Lance Moore for his support, and for this letter.

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Ralph, I finally had time to catch up on the recent OIC woes.

Nice defense Jim Fetzer gave you!

I’m not the expert on Altgens that you are, although I’ve certainly given the famous #6 pic a lot of thought. The photo is clearly altered. But, it is amazing how the “average person” has trouble believing it.  They can believe there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, but for whatever reason, they can’t make the jump to realize that photo and film alteration would be done to cover up what really happened.   And surely, a conspiracy this big and complex included having people in place to “watch over” the AP.

They fail to realize that by 1963, the CIA had gotten very involved in media control. They (the CIA) had their "assets" in all the major media outlets. 

-Regarding Oswald’s whereabouts during motorcade: regardless of what we can glean from the images, police reports, etc., I am absolutely convinced that Oswald’s personality was such that he would not have missed a chance to view JFK rolling past him within a few feet of his building.  Timewise, based on MANY eyewitnesses who saw him downstairs close to 12:30, there is (as you know), NO way he was on the sixth floor at 12:30. The most logical place for him to be was on the steps, as you say. 

So yes, Oswald was in the doorway (where in Altgens, it has Lovelady’s face pasted over his body). But, btw, it is even possible that Oswald didn’t even realize JFK had been shot, that the second after the Altgens 6 was snapped, the car having passed, he turned and went back in the building. The motorcycle noise in that porch area could have disguised the gunshot to his ears.

-One thing that is not debatable: almost all newspapers used a cropped version of Altgens, leaving LBJ’s car out of the picture.
-And finally, the reason the conspirators WANTED to use Altgens 6 so badly, to where they would even go to the trouble of altering it, is because it showed the Secret Service agents looking back towards the Depository.  That was the “money shot” in pointing eyes and thoughts to the TSBD rather than the Knoll.  It was (for them) worth whatever the trouble and risk that photo alteration would incur.

I’m sure you know all of the above… just thoughts I had while reading your blogs.  :)

All the best,

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