Friday, June 12, 2015

This is in response to what James Norwood posted recently on Unger's site. The truth is that James came to me and asked that I agree to publish the views of anyone and everyone concerning the Doorman controversy, that I turn my blog into a forum. 

And my response was to urge him to do it. That he start his own blog, which anyone can do, and call for submissions, and then post them. 

Why is he being presumptuous about my blog? It's my blog. It's not a forum. I publish things from other people when I am so inclined, but I do so for my own reasons. This is my personal blog; it is my personal space.

And when I made the remark about not wanting to post "tripe and nonsense" I was not referring to OIC members; I was talking about others, the public at large, and especially, the usual suspects.  

What I did yesterday and today in responding to what James Norwood wrote, his answers to my questions, is something that I do and will continue to do but at my own descretion. What has happened, simply, is that James Norwood has joined Backes, Unger, Bpete, Lance, and is now one of them. He is just one more adversary for me to contend with. And don't worry: I can handle it.

But, the idea that I should do something that he wants with my blog, when it's my blog, not his, and when he is no longer a member of my organization is ridiculous.

Why can't he start his own blog? What is stopping him? He can do anything he wants with his own blog. Why does he think he can commandeer someone else's blog? Why would he even want to when he can easily have his own blog and do exactly what he wants with it?

James, we already have a way to discuss and debate the Doorman issue, and it exists in the form of the individual blogs. Now, if you think the public should be invited into this debate, to participate, where everyone's opinions should be seen and posted, then you do it. Set up a forum. And if people will have to send their submissions to you, and then you post them, then you do it. There will be some work involved, but if that's how you want to spend your time, do it. If that's what you want to do, then do it. I'm not stopping you.    

And I don't mind that you do it. I don't care that you do it. I'm not discouraging you from doing it; I'm encouraging you to do it. Just stop telling me what to do with my blog. 

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