Friday, August 7, 2015

Unfortunately, Jack White was wrong in saying that the Zippo lighter image of the Moorman photo was genuine. 

There are numerous reasons why it can't be genuine, which I'll go through. I realize that the quality is very poor, but it came directly from Robin Unger, so don't blame me. 

1. According to Tom Wilson, there was tampering around Kennedy's head to hide the blow-out wound in back. Remember: the Moorman photo was taken after the fatal head shot. Therefore, if the photo is untampered with, then there was no blow-out wound in back, and Hargis was dreaming when he said he was splattered with brain matter. So, take your choice: either the Moorman photo was tampered with OR the official story of the JFK assassination is true. 

2. How come we don't see the tool box behind Chaney, the distant motorcycle cop?

Here, besides cropping it, I played around with the lighting some just to get some clarity. You'll see it looks very different behind Chaney in the distance than behind Hargis who is close up.

And note that this is the area that got cropped out of the other one Unger put up, said to be full-frame. 

3. How come there is so much distortion over Hargis' face?

Look at the shape of Hargis' hairline. Even with his head turned, it shouldn't look like that. It's as though the barber went wild with the razor. No one's hairline could possibly be that uneven. If that is supposed to be Hargis' neck, there is too much of it showing. 

4. This Zippo version, like the others, shows, supposedly, the right arm of Martin alone, and as I have stated, it was physically possible for Mary Moorman, whose camera was less than 5 feet above the ground, to capture his right arm alone. I'll use this image of another motorcycle cop to demonstrate:

This was taken from the left side, and you can see his left arm. In the case of the Moorman photo, he would have been farther forward in relation to the photographer, but that would only have made it worse, making his right arm even less visible. This is an insurmountable problem, that is, unless you are a very corrupt and stupid soul like Joseph Landwermeyer who came up with this easy solution. 

He just cropped out everything but the right arm, and he presented that as something that Mary Moorman could have done.  He thinks that because he's capable of cropping a photo, he thinks it means that Mary, at less than 5 feet high camera level, was capable of taking the photo that way. It's equivalent to being way up high looking down on him where you can direct your camera to dissect out his right arm. But, Mary Moorman was standing on the ground and at very short stature! It has no relevance whatsoever. What an amazing combination of evil and stupidity. 

So, the whole right arm of Martin is bull shit. 

There is plenty more, but I am going to call it quits for now. The Zippo version is no more real than the other versions. And this claim of an early publication of the Moorman photo is exactly comparable with the claim of the Altgens photo going out to the world at 1:03 PM. It is bull shit. 

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