Thursday, October 22, 2015

The FBI put it in writing- TWICE- that Lovelady stated that he wore a red and white striped shirt. 

Now, there are times in life when misunderstandings are possible. This is not one of those times. 

It is a very simple, straight-forward statement, and the ONLY way the FBI could have written it is if Lovelady said it.

It's just like with "out with Bill Shelley in front." Fritz wrote it down and it's because Oswald said it. It can't be doubted, and likewise, Lovelady saying that he wore a red and white vertical striped shirt can't be doubted.

And keep in mind that when the FBI tried to say otherwise, they were contradicting THEIR OWN STATEMENT!

Not just Lovelady's statement, but their very own statement by their very own people. 

How could they possibly have arrived at that except by Lovelady telling them? It's the only way. 

And you can't claim they just assumed it without asking him. Who would do that? Nobody would. And even if someone were inclined to, they wouldn't do it without asking him. 

"So, are those the clothes you wore on 11/22?"

How hard was that?

There are some things that you can take back and some things that you can't. This falls in the category of can't.   

But, in response to this, the FBI went on a frenzy of movie-making. Why? Because even they knew that just retracting that statement wasn't going to cut it. 

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