Sunday, November 15, 2015

According to Dale Myers via Robin Unger, the sighting of the 1st Wiegman Doorman is simultaneous with the Altgens photo, for all practical purposes. 

I say "for all practical purposes" because 1/9 second is the only difference between them.

When I say "1st Wiegman Doorman" I mean the one that first appears, as opposed to the one who later appears- when Wiegman does his second pan of the doorway.
The reason I say they are different men is because they are different men. The shapes of their heads are different. The lay of their shirts is different. Their apparent weights are different. Another big one is that their positions are different. 1st Wiegman is facing and looking down Elm Street where Kennedy is- and remember that the slaughter is underway. 2nd Wiegman has turned away from that is looking directly out the doorway, across the street. The shooting isn't even over yet, and he's lost interest? Joseph Backes said that he's begun the mourning process for Kennedy. During the shooting?   

But, according to Myers, there is only 1/9 second between these two:

And that means that there was only 1/9 second between these two:

So, forget the 1/9 second. Let's just say they are the same because nobody can do anything in 1/9 second. On the left, he is in the center of the doorway. Therefore, on the right, he is in the center of the doorway. And that means that the conclusion drawn from the result of my trial and error experiment in Dealey Plaza is valid: that the Altgens Doorman was standing in the center of the doorway.

Actually, I was standing slightly west of dead center but just a few inches at most. I was not standing next to the west wall, and neither was Doorman. In fact, I proved it:

And keep in mind that there was a shorter distance between me and my Carl Jones surrogate than in the Altgens photo, and that's because of that side handrail they put up. You can see it at the bottom. That prevents anyone from hugging the wall the way Carl Jones did. Notice that I have the guy turned and facing east as we see Carl in the Altgens photo. But that's bogus, and now YOU ALL KNOW IT'S BOGUS. That's because there is only 1/9 second between these two below, and you can't tell me that in 1/9 second, Carl Jones turned his head and his whole body to the left.

Carl was leaning. His right shoulder was leaning against the column, and his right hand was leaning on the molding. In other words: his weight was leaning. And he had a lot of weight. His weight was leaning west. So, how could he be turned and facing east. And actually, there is no reason to assume any difference at all because if Wiegman 015 corresponds to Zapruder 257, then Wiegman 013 corresponds to Zapruder 255, right? And aren't all the arrangements exactly the same in Wiegman 013?

So, that leaves Hughes, in which Doorman is hovering above Carl Jones on the west side.

Now, Hughes definitely came some seconds before because the limo had to pass from the top of Elm to the spot where the Altgens photo was taken.  But the implication, that is, the story is that Doorman move; he relocated. And that is a rather wild claim. It seems extremely unlikely, and it is no part of the testimonial record. The Hughes doorway is telling a different story than any of the people told. 

Oh, how Oswald in the doorway foiled them. I bet they were really cursing him. "That bastard. What'd he have to go out there for?"

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