Monday, October 22, 2018

Robin Wegerle The guy in the picture that supposed to be Jack Ruby if you look down around the bottom of his hat he has very thick black hair and it's kind of curled under. Then I noticed he has some sunglasses in his left breast pocket and they're sticking out. Now if that was Ruby and he killed Oswald and people jumped on him don't you think those sunglasses would have flew out of this floor of the pocket but we don't see it on the ground
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Oswald Innocence Campaign Robin, that is a very good point about the glasses, although they were not sunglasses. If you look closely, you can see they have clear frames. But yes, they could easily fly out. It could happen just from leaning forward. And i have never in my 67 years seen anyone carry glasses like that. Such jackets have pockets on the inside, and that is where one would put glasses, to protect them. About his hair, I am 100% convinced that that is a toupee worn by FBI Agent James Bookhout. And he did it because he undoubtedly had a short, closely razored FBI haircut because they all did back then, and he wanted to distract from that. Of course, Ruby's hair wasn't that thick and long in back either. That toupee looks like a mop. Notice also the light-colored socks, which Ruby didn't wear. They blew it bigtime.
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