Sunday, January 27, 2019

Mark Landsbaum Ridiculous? Try this scenario: Ruby a low-level mobster who no doubt was much indebted to Marcello for his livelihood and more, is told by the mob that Oswald must be silenced and given an ultimatum: "You kill him or we kill you." It's entirely likely he was assured the mob would take care of him. Anyone remember how Mac Wallace walked free after a murder conviction? This was Texas in the '60s. Politicians and mobsters had corrupted courts and police, and Ruby was in a good position to know that. And, having no alternatives, he was in no position to tell the mob "No." He knew how they played. Note how his jail demeanor relaxed as soon as he got word that Oswald died from his wounds. And why do you think he was so worried and wanted the Warren Commission to take him to DC and out of Dallas? He feared for his life. He knew the m.o.: No loose ends. He had just tied up a loose end. He had to suspect despite whatever assurances he had been given that his time was short. It's entirely plausible to think any person, given the same circumstances, would have done what he did to save their own life. Far from ridiculous.
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Ralph Cinque It is ridiculous, and everything you said is hogwash. First, Mac Wallace got off for murder because he had LBJ looking out for him. Remember, he did the killing for LBJ. And LBJ was a close friend of the judge in the case. So, that's different. The Mob had no such power. And, Ruby was NOT a low-level mobster. He was just a night club operator. You are buying into the fiction. And what the hell do you think you know about his jail demeanor? We never heard him say anything, not a word, on the day of the shooting. He was so strung out on drugs, he could barely speak. And you're right that he requested to be taken to Washington, but it's not because he knew anything about what really happened. It's because he read a book, "A Texan Looks At Lyndon" by J.Evetts Haley. You need to think more. If Ruby knew anything, they would have killed him immediately. They wouldn't have taken a chance. The only reason he lived three years is because he knew nothing. And the reason they killed him after 3 years is very simple: it's because he won a retrial, and they did not want to go through it all again. Jack Ruby was INNOCENT. He did NOT shoot Oswald. He was manipulated to go to that garage using Karen Carlin to make an urgent plea for money. And there's a reason why she disappeared afterwards, like she was in the Witness Protection Program. It's because she was culpable too. Ruby got to that garage at least an hour before they said he did. He was jumped and dragged away. There was no shot- by anybody. And I don't even know if Oswald was there. They kept Ruby up on the 5th floor in his boxer shorts- just to control him, knowing that he wasn't going to run away in his boxer shorts. And that's where he was when FBI Agent James Bookhout pretended to be him in the garage during the televised, theatrical spectacle. It was a dog and pony show. You need to stop being so fucking wrong.

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