Friday, May 3, 2019

Robert Jackson glibly claims that this famous Jackson photo of his, the most iconic image of the Oswald shooting, was taken a fraction of a second- a small fraction of a second- after the shot was fired.  But, if you remember anything from your 8th grade Physics class, you know it is impossible. 

That's because Oswald wasn't walking along with his left arm slapped to his chest. His hand was down. In fact, according to the official story and the testimony of at least three DPD officers, his hands were handcuffed together, which means that he couldn't do what he's doing there in the photo if he had 3 years, never mind .3 second. 

So, this whole story runs amok from the the get-go. But, let's say it didn't. Let's say we ignore that his hands were supposedly cuffed together. It still doesn't work. And that's because of the nature of acceleration and deceleration. Obviously, if he slapped his arm to his chest in response to being shot, that takes time. And if it happened very fast, as this would have had to, in order to be done within a fraction of a second, then he had to do it with great velocity and rapid acceleration.

But, you know from your own experience driving a car, that it takes time to accelerate, and it takes time to decelerate. What is the stopping distance involved in stopping a car once you press the brake pedal? It's quite a bit of time and quite a bit of distance, and that's why they tell you not to tailgate. They tell us that, under ideal conditions, you can decelerate your car at the rate of 15 feet per second. So, if you are going 60 mph, that is equivalent to 88 feet per second. And if we ignore the required reaction time of the driver, after 1 second of braking, you can lower your speed to 73 feet per second. After 2 seconds, you can cut it to 58 feet per second. Etc. So, as the seconds pass, you are still moving forward, but at a slower speed, until you eventually come to a stop. 

Well, it's the same way for Oswald's arm. If he rapidly accelerated his arm to bring it up to his chest, getting it there in a fraction of a second, he certainly wouldn't have time to decelerate it. THE RESULT WOULD BE THAT HE WOULD SLAM HIS ARM INTO HIS CHEST. He would wind up pounding himself in the chest; thumping it. He wouldn't be able to stop it. But, how could a guy who was just shot in the abdomen do that? You realize that the bullet severed his aorta and his vena cava, which are the largest blood vessels in the body. And it also severed other arteries. And, the damage was instantaneous. So how, after sustaining such  catastrophic trauma, was he capable of doing anything? The only thing that such a stricken person could do is fall; go down; and it would be the work of gravity taking him down. 

The point is that the story of the Jackson photo, what it shows us, is impossible, and you only have to have an 8th grade education to know it. It is a lie; a fabrication. I know Robert Jackson isn't smart enough to realize it. But, how about you? 


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