Friday, July 26, 2019

This is a letter that Jack Ruby wrote to someone that refers to the book he read and which got him all riled up about LBJ: A Texan Looks At Lyndon by J. Evetts Haley.
It reads: "you must believe me that I know what is taking place, so please with all my heart, you must believe me, because I am counting on you to save this country a lot of blood-shed. As soon as you get out you must read Texan looks at Lyndon (A Texan Looks at Lyndon by J. Evetts Haley) , and it may open your eyes to a lot of things. This man is a Nazi in the worst order."
That was the entirety of the connection between Ruby and LBJ, which is to say: there was no connection. Ruby just read that book. And I have read it myself, and what it claims is that the official story of a lone gunman (Oswald) is true, but Johnson put Oswald up to it. And that's ridiculous.
Further on in the letter Ruby writes: " ... isn't it strange that Oswald who hasn't worked a lick most of his life, should be fortunate enough to get a job at the Book Building two weeks before the president himself didn't know as to when he was to visit Dallas, now where would a jerk like Oswald get the information that the president was coming to Dallas?"
To me, that just shows how mentally incompetent Ruby was. Was one really fortunate to get a $1.11/hr job as an order-filler at the TSBD? A real stroke of luck. And the idea that Oswald had advance knowledge that Kennedy was coming is comical. Oswald didn't even know on November 22 that Kennedy was coming. He asked James Jarman why people were gathering on the sidewalk because he didn't know. And Jarman told him. That was about 9:30 on Friday morning.
That Ruby could have thought that Oswald had advance knowledge of the assassination plot because he was working with Lyndon Johnson is screaming out loud funny. And he went on:
"Only one person could have had that information, and that man was Johnson who knew weeks in advance as to what was going to happen, because he is the one who was going to arrange the trip for the president, this had been planned long before the president himself knew about, so you can figure that one out. The only one who gained by the shooting of the president was Johnson, and he was in a car in the rear and safe when the shooting took place. What would the Russians, Castro or anyone else have to gain by eliminating the president? If Johnson was so heartbroken over Kennedy, why didn't he do something for Robert Kennedy? All he did was snub him."
He's actually got some decent points in there. And I fully accept that Johnson was a top player in the assassination. But, the idea that Johnson gave the information to Oswald so that Oswald could shoot Kennedy with his defective Carcano rifle is absurd. It's absurd that Johnson would have sought Oswald to do it, who practically flunked his last shooting test in the Marines, and whose Russian friends said that he couldn't hit a rabbit with a shotgun, and it is ridiculous that he wouldn't have gotten his assassin a better rifle.
Oswald had nothing to do with it. I repeat what I wrote above: Oswald didn't even know that Kennedy was going to be passing the building. So, how could he have had anything to do with the assassination? He had absolutely NOTHING to do with it. No one told him anything about it.
But, the idea that Jack Ruby had any connection with LBJ is disproven by the very fact that Ruby lived for 3 years. They would have had to kill him immediately if he was holding on to a secret such as that. Dead men tell no tales; live men do; and they knew that.

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