Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A bizarre thing is going on right now. The corporate media is doing a drum roll about the pending peace deal with the Taliban, saying that it's imminent, perhaps a day or two away. And Trump is talking about publicly: that we are going to reduce our troop strength to 8600, but we'll have to leave a residual force there because, after all, it is a laboratory for terror. And then, the next thing is that the Taliban and the Afghan government will begin talks. 

Well, if it that happens, it will be on par with the Pope announcing that he is converting to Islam. That's how out of character it would be for the Taliban if they actually agreed to that. They have said all along that they will not talk to the puppet government, that they do not recognize their authority, and that they will fight them until they're all either dead or switched sides. 

On the Taliban website there isn't a word about the negotiations. These are the headlines they are reporting: 

So, next it's going to be the Taliban announcing: "The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan announces that it has accepted the American offer to reduce their troop level to 8600 soldiers. They won't commit to being completely out of Afghanistan by any specific date, even though we have said all along that the removal of all foreign forces from Afghanistan is a core position for us. And even though we have always said that we will never talk with the current government because we consider them puppets of the U.S., we have changed our mind about that and will now conduct talks with them. Praise be to Allah." 

Right now, the President of the United States and the mainstream media is implying that that is on the verge of happening. Well, it will be freaky if it does. It will be like they morphed into something else.  It will be like they were MK-ULTRAed. It will be like they were all doped up on scopolamine.  I am waiting with bated breath to see what happens. 

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