Friday, February 18, 2022

I am reminded right now that we're all alive today because of John F. Kennedy. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, his hardline advisors wanted him to retreat to the bunker and start bombing the hell out of Cuba with the 1962 version of Shock and Awe. But, he didn't. Instead, he negotiated with the Soviets and offered to remove U.S. missiles from Turkey if they withdrew their missiles from Cuba. And that's how war was averted.

What if they tried it again? What if they worked out a deal with Mexico to install missiles there and point them at the U.S.? Can you imagine our reaction? The rhetoric agaist Putin for doing it would be apoplectic. 

Well, for quite some time, we have been arming Ukraine, which is right next to Russia. And by accepting Ukraine into NATO, it would mean that even more more missiles could be installed there and aimed at Russia. 

I know that Putin snatched Crimea, and he has supported the separatists on the eastern side of the country. I don't want to argue with anyone about it. But, I will point out that if Putin had gotten involved in Mexico to the extent that we got involved in Ukraine prior to that, that we would have screamed bloody murder that he had no business being there so far away from Russia. The point is that when it comes to hypocrisy, nobody beats us.  Do you remember the Monroe Doctrine? It held that any intrusion into the political affairs of any country in the Americas would be considered a hostile act against the United States. They still teach about it in our schools as a rightful and righteous thing. But, the principle behind it does not apply to us. Again, it's the hypocrisy that irritates me to no end. 

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