Sunday, September 18, 2022

 Mike Cunningham responded to a letter I sent to leading JFK researchers about the latest find about Jack Ruby. Mike asked about Ruby's hat. The fact is that in most of his images, Ruby did not wear a hat. I only know of two images in a hat. One was at the opening of the Carousel Club, and the other was at an Easter parade in Dallas in 1960. All of his other images were hatless. 

However, they definitely needed Ruby to wear a hat on 11/24/63 because James Bookhout had to wear one to hide his face. It may be that George Senator, who was Ruby's "roommate" but really his handler, saw to it that Ruby wore a hat on Sunday. But, if Ruby didn't wear one, then they just slipped it among his stuff. Ruby was stripped down to his drawers as soon as they got him up to the 5th floor. There are multiple sightings for it, including Ruby's lawyer Elmer Gertz, who wrote Moment of Madness, and also Vincent Bugliosi in Reclaiming History. It's weird because I don't think most men would stand for it if police ordered them to strip. Maybe in prison, but this was a City Jail. I think most men would probably say something like, "I'm not giving you my clothes to stand here in my drawers; fuck you." But, Ruby went along. Why? You just can't exaggerate the degree of his compliance and submissiveness, due partly to his nature, (the extreme respect he had for the Dallas Police, his heroes) and also because of the drugs he was on. He was heavily drugged on 11/24. It was reported on WFAA that Ruby was muttering incoherently after his arrest. Of course, that was never repeated. 

Just compare the behavior of Oswald and Ruby after their arrests. Oswald was vocal, defiant, and lucid. He proclaimed his innocence 13x that I know of, where we can hear him. But, Ruby never said anything in the hall. He just went along with everything, with his eyes all dilated from the drugs. Look at the drug-glazed stare on Ruby. Compare his eyes to the focused eyes of the policeman and Detective Boyd Webb. Ruby was high as a kite. 

And by the way, notice how neat and well-groomed he looks there. Supposedly, this was him when they brought him in, on the right:

What, did they have a makeup department, like on a movie set? How did he go from that to the image above it? And what happened to his jacket? Reportedly, they didn't remove his jacket until they got him upstairs. So, how could he be jacket-less in the Jail Office? They didn't think it through. In an operation such as this, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. 

Mike also asked if there are any images of James Bookhout. Yes, although not many. Most of them are from his school yearbooks: high school and college. But, there is this image of him from 11/24/63.

That's James Bookhout. They blackened out his eyes and did other things to obscure him, but that's him. They don't admit it's him. They claim it's Jack Ruby. But, you know it's not Jack Ruby. Ruby didn't have that much hair. He didn't have such a round face. He didn't have such a short neck. He didn't have such a short forehead. He didn't have such a narrow nose. He looked nothing like Jack Ruby.

So, you see the long neck on Ruby, the long forehead, the longer face. Guys, the killing of Oswald and the framing of Ruby was the biggest psy-op of all time. You were bamboozled by it, but don't feel bad because everyone else was too. The important thing now is to set the record straight. No matter what you have written or said before to the contrary, there is no reason to keep doing it. Jack Ruby was innocent.  

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