Wednesday, December 28, 2022

 This is another bogus image, supposedly from November 22, 1963. The Stemmons freeway sign is in the wrong location; it's too east; it's too small; it's the wrong shape; and the inner pole is leaning. 

The sign was oblong; it was twice as wide as it was tall. It was 8 feet wide and 4 feet tall. And it was at the center of the pergola, about 2 feet from the sidewalk. It was equidistant from the two pedestals. 

Here is another bogus one.

The sign should be visible, but it isn't. Let's consider the story of this image, and remember, I am a screenwriter. So, you have a woman running frantically holding a child, but a man in a Fedora hat seems to be stopping her. Where could she be running to? And where is she running from? The Newmans are still on the ground. I believe that is supposed to be James Altgens with the camera. It sure looks like him. Then, there is a man behind him who appears to be running, but isn't he going to run into Mrs. Newman? And he's got a bald spot at the top of his head.  

I have never seen such a thing before. 

And I don't know who their set director was, but he stunk.  

Here's another one. Now, we've got kids in the act. Where'd they come from? Poor Newman. He's really broken up. Head down to the ground; writhing in pain. Why, why, why? Nice touch. 

What's Altgens doing now? Supposedly, he left immediately and ran to the Dallas Morning News Building to get his film developed, such that the Algens6 photo hit the wires at 1:03. So, why is he dawdling? 

The JFK assassination is the most photographically faked and falsified event ever. And nothing else comes close. 

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