Saturday, January 28, 2023

 The Betzner and Willis photos are practically identical, which gives us the opportunity to do something: compare the spectators on north side of Elm and make sure they are the same.

First, note that the humongous figure in Betzner is probably bogus. Remember that people look through viewfinders before they snap the shudder. And if that's what Betzner saw, he would have stepped a little to his right. Wouldn't you? So apparently, there was something they didn't want us to see. But now, let's compare the spectators. 

Let's start with Betzner, which is the lower one. Right at the point of Godzilla's shoulder, you see the umbrella of Umbrella Man peaking out. Now, isn't that convenient? That umbrella establishes that he was there, but look how easy it would have been to paint that in. And I'm not disputing that he was there. What I'm starting to think is that the reason they needed Godzilla there was to cover up what Umbrella Man was doing. 

Note that the detail of the spectators is completely lacking, with no facial details at all. Why would a camera do that? But, if they took to painting, which is how they photoshopped in those days, it's pretty hard to draw details of a face at that distance. It was better to go with nothing. 

So, in Willis, you see Umbrella Man, and he's just standing under his umbrella, as if it were raining. When Louis Steven Witt testified to the HSCA that he was the Umbrella Man, he said he was making like Neville Chamberlain to debase Joseph Kennedy Sr. for being a Nazi sympathizer. And to this day, Joseph Kennedy Sr. is debased for that reason. But, Neville Chamberlain was famous for standing or walking with his umbrella, not actually standing under it. 

I say Louis Steven Witt was a phony, an impostor. I don't believe he was the Umbrella Man, and I don't believe the real Umbrella Man was there to make a statement about World War 2. I'll add that every single person who has tried to insert himself or herself into the JFK assassination years later is a fake and phony. That includes Judyth Baker, Beverly Oliver, Louis Steven Witt, and you name it. 

But, getting back to Willis and Betzner:

So, in Willia, we have the dubious Umbrella Man standing under his umbrella. Let's compare the people under the sign in the two photos. In Willis, we see several people who look young. The young man who stands out the most in Willis- is he wearing a tuxedo? Is there a boutennier pinned to it? That's what it looks like to me. Next to him is a space before it gets to a lady in a hat. But, in Betzner, there is no space. The space is filled with a short person. Glance at both and see for yourself. Next, we have to look to the right of the SS men. In Willis, there is a lady in a hood or a hat next to a man in a fedora hat. In Betzner, the hood or the hat is more prominent, and there is another person to her right. We can't discern the man in the fedora hat at all. And then past the next group of SS men, there is complete divergence. They seem to be different people. A big difference is that in Betzner, there are a lot of arms waving, but not in Willis. Also, in Willis, there is a man in a hard hat. But again, the biggest difference is that in Betzner, the group looks very enthusiastic and rambunctious, while in Willis, they look staid and reserved.

That's enough to establish that there is no accord between the spectators in Betzner and the ones in Willis, and that makes both images very suspect. It's very possible that some of those spectators are fake. We know that was the Kill Zone, and we know that they actively sought to keep people out of it. And I can understand why the abrupt change in population density is something they would want to hide. 

But regardless, it is very compelling to conclude that all the spectator images are suspicious and untrustworthy. 

And let's review what we have of Umbrella Man. In Betzner, it's just an umbrella peaking out above Godzilla's shoulder, for the sake of the roll call. And in Willis, he's standing there like it was really raining, but the image is so crude, so lacking in detail, that it could easily have been accomplished with paint. 

So, what if Umbrella Man was pointing his umbrella at Kennedy and delivering the throat shot? There really was a functioning umbrella gun. The CIA contracted with a man to create it, although I forget his name. Some have speculated that the throat shot was taken either from the TU bridge or from way over by Main/Commerce, but that is ridiculous. NOBODY could have accomplished that shot from that distance.  There is this thing that happens in marksmanship that people forget when they analyze this stuff: people miss! And then, these boneheads want to claim that from hundreds of feet away and shooting through the glass of the windshield, someone placed a bullet at the bottom of JFK's throat, right above his suprasternal notch- as if anyone could do that. Huh. Not even Annie Oakley could have done it.  

The throat shot had to be taken from a lot closer than that. So, maybe Dr. Alen Salerian is right that it was Umbrella Man who took the throat shot- from a very close, manageable distance.  And if so, maybe that's why Godzilla got put into the Betzner photo, and the convenient umbrella peaking out is just a decoy. 


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