Besides the highly convincing photographic evidence that the Doorman in the Altgens photo was Oswald wearing Oswald's clothes, there is other conclusive evidence that that was him.
First, there is the fact that Oswald said he was in the doorway, and he proved it by citing someone else who was there: Bill Shelley. He said that he was "out with Bill Shelley in front" and Fritz wrote it down.
How could Oswald know that Shelley was there? Shelley could have been anywhere outside- or not outside at all. He could have stayed inside and watched the motorcade from a window, as some people did. Or, he could have not watched it at all, as some people did. Oswald wasn't guilty of anything, so he wasn't going to lie or make something up. So, his correctly identifying Shelley as someone who was in the doorway is very decisve that he was there.
But then, there is what happened on the 2nd floor with his encounter with Officer Marionn Baker. Baker said that when he reached the stairwell on the 2nd floor that he saw Oswald moving through the anteroom or vestibule. Oswald had gotten there just a few seconds before Baker. Now, if Oswald had gone through the door through which Baker was looking, that door would have still been in motion. It would not have been stationary and at rest. But, it was stationary and at rest. And that means that Oswald must have used the other door to get into the anteroom- the door from the office side. And that means that Oswald could not have come down from the 6th floor.
And remember that Truly was ahead of Baker on the stairs. Truly had made it up to the 3rd floor, and when he realized that Baker wasn't behind him, he turned around and went back down to the 2nd floor and joined him in the lunch room. But, the point is that since Oswald was only slightly ahead of Baker, if he had come down from the 6th floor, he would have encountered Truly on the stairs.
It's very odd that Truly was leading the way because they were looking for an armed killer. Wouldn't you let the armed cop go first in that situation? I sure would. But, the reason why Truly didn't is because he knew there was no danger. Truly was in on it. The whole TSBD was. The TSBD was a CIA front company, involved in espionage and gun-running, under the guise of book distribution. Read The Spider's Web by William Weston, and you'll realize that that's true.
But, that anteroom was just a little passageway room, an access room. It had a door from the office side and a door from the stairwell side, and in-between, it had a door into the lunch room proper. So, since Oswald did not come down the northwest stairs, how did he get to the office side? The answer is that he went up the single flight of stairs from the 1st to the 2nd floor which were located in the southeast corner of the building. Those stairs were right next to the doorway. So, Oswald went from the doorway to the southeast stairs, up the stairs, and then he walked across the big expanse of the 2nd floor from the southeast corner to the northwest corner where the lunch room was. And that is what placed him on the office side of the anteroom.
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