Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent and standing in the doorway of the Book Depository during the shooting of President Kennedy. We have a photograph of him in which we can recognize him and his clothing.
That was a Russian shirt that Oswald brought back with him. It had a soft collar, and most of the buttons were missing. That's why it was sprawled open. The reason why the t-shirt margin is descended on both is because Oswald had the habit of stretching his t-shirts.
Things were done to alter the image on the right, which is from the Altgens photo. The man who is crammed next to him in an impossible way wasn't there. He was put in there to hide the distinctive look of Oswald's Russian shirt. I redid the photo, restoring Oswald's left shoulder.
Now, look at this comparison:That is the same man wearing the same clothes. And the facial features match too.
I circled the identical collars with the distinctive furl beneath it. Below is another striking likeness. Same man/same clothes
It's the same man wearing the same clothes. I know that two government investigations, the Warren Commission and the HSCA, said that it was a different man, Billy Lovelady, but they lied. They were totally corrupt. They were as corrupt as the criminal elements that stole the 2020 election from President Trump. Compare the faces up close: That is the same face and the same features.
However, it was complicated because the men who killed Kennedy were arrogant, but not arrogant enough to just say he was someone else. So, they changed the top of his head to that of another man; just the very top; the crown.
So, on the left is how Oswald looked in the original photo, and on the right is what they did to him, to garner the confidence to say he was Billy Lovelady.Do you see how identical those crowns are? Nobody's hair looks exactly the same over 6 years time. It looks the same because it is the same.
There was a coup d'etat in 1963. Allen Dulles, Lyndon Johnson, and J. Edgar Hoover were all in on it, and every government investigation of the JFK assassination that followed was corrupt. Lee Harvey Oswald was not a lone gunman, and he wasn't one of multiple gunmen. He was just a patsy, as he said. They didn't need him to kill Kennedy; they just needed him to take the blame for it. Nobody in his right mind would have chosen Oswald to shoot Kennedy. He was no assassin. He practically flunked his last shooting test in the Marines in 1959, and the only shooting he did in Russia was to go rabbit hunting with a shotgun a few times. Then, he did no shooting here. He never ordered a rifle from Chicago. J. Edgar Hoover's corrupt FBI concocted that story, and this article by John Armstrong proves it.
We've been lied to for 62 years about this by our government and media. Now, because of President Trump and the people he has appointed, there is a real chance to topple the tower of lies. And again: it's not that there were multiple shooters and Oswald was one of them. That is just noise. It is just another lie to replace the original lie. The truth is that Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent and standing in the doorway of the Book Depository during the shooting.
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