Monday, July 14, 2014

Backass, being the blood-soaked Kennedy-killer that he is, will try to confuse and obfuscate any and every point. He doesn't care who discombobulates- even his own readers. 

This is a picture of the real Billy Lovelady, meaning that the real Billy Lovelady was standing in front of the camera when the shudder was clicked.

Now, once the FBI got the picture, of course they touched it up to maximize the effect they were looking for. The ability to do that existed in 1963. And, of course, they were going to take advantage of it. 

Remember, these were the people whom Backes says made up a whole bus ride and cab ride for Oswald- with phony witnesses and everything. He thinks they invented a whole person out of thin air: Mary Bledsoe. They gave her an identity. They even gave her sons. Yet. for some reason, he thinks the whole idea of editing photos evaded and alluded them, that their minds never went there, that they just took some photos and sent them in, it never occurring to them that they could alter those photos to their advantage. OR, he thinks it may have occurred to them, but then they thought about it and realized: "That would be wrong." So, they didn't do it. Idiot.

So, when I say that FBI Lovelady was the real Lovelady, I mean that it is a photograph of the real Lovelady, a doctored photograph of the real Lovelady, as opposed to a photograph of another man, such as Gorilla Man, who was NOT Lovelady.

These are two different men, and anyone who is not blind, and who is not swimming in the blood of John Kennedy, will admit it.

 Regarding Black Hole Man, his appearance constitutes an impossibility. It is impossible to blacken out one's entire face with one's hands atop one's head. 

And look at the woman in front of and below him. She is visoring with one arm, but you can see the extent to which it is shading her face, and it's not very much. It's not like she has got shadow down to her chin. It's not like her mouth is in shadow, or even her nose. 

A visor hat extends over the face much more than one's hands do. But, even a visor hat can't shade the whole face. 

So, there is no chance that BH Man's hands could be doing what they appear to be doing. They blackened out his face. You hear me, Backes? The same people who faked the bus and cab ride for Oswald, and faked the trek to the tracks, altered the photo. 

And a guy who knew a lot about altered photos was Jack White. Jack championed the idea that the Backyard photos were altered, where they moved Oswald's face in- except for the chin, which they left of the other man's. 

The same people who altered the Backyard photos altered the Altgens photo. You hear me, Backes? I said: the same people who altered the Backyard photos, as attested to by Jack White, altered the Altgens photo.

That's Jack White I am talking about. Ever hear of him?

And why was Joseph Ball confident enough to ask Buell Frazier and Danny Arce directly who Doorman was and not Billy Lovelady? With them, he pointed to Doorman and asked, "Who's this?" Why didn't he do the same with Lovelady? Why did he forego that question with Lovelady and instead ask him to draw an arrow to himself in the photo? 

Let's get something straight here: the question on his mind and on everybody's mind was: who was Doorman? So, why not go for it directly? Why beat around the bush? Why play games with arrows? It would be one thing to have him draw an arrow AFTER he stated verbally who Doorman was, but Lovelady NEVER states verbally who Doorman was. 

Mr. BALL - I have got a picture here, Commission Exhibit 369. Are you on that picture?
Mr. LOVELADY - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - Take a pen or pencil and mark an arrow where you are.
Mr. LOVELADY - Where I thought the shots are?
Mr. BALL - No; you in the picture.
Mr. LOVELADY - Oh, here (indicating).
Mr. BALL - Draw an arrow down to that; do it in the dark. You got an arrow in the dark and one in the white pointing toward you. Where were you when the picture was taken?
Mr. LOVELADY - Right there at the entrance of the building standing on the the step, would be here (indicating).
Mr. BALL - You were standing on which step?
Mr. LOVELADY - It would be your top level.
Mr. BALL - The top step you were standing there?
Mr. LOVELADY - Right. 

Where in any of that is there any verbal declaration of who Doorman was? Or which figure Lovelady was in the photo? How does it compare to this?

Mr. BALL. Recognize him? (pointing)
Mr. ARCE. Yes, that's Billy Lovelady.
Mr. BALL. Just to identify it clearly, the man on the steps---well, you see the man on the steps, do you not?
Mr. ARCE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. He is a white man, isn't he?
Mr. ARCE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. And you see his picture just above the picture of two colored people, is that correct; would you describe it like that?
Mr. ARCE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. I am not going to mark this purposely because other witnesses have to see it.
Mr. ARCE. Yes.
Mr. BALL. Did you say that is Billy Lovelady?
Mr. ARCE. Yes, that is Billy Lovelady.
Mr. BALL. Now, there is only one face that is clearly shown within the entrance-way of the Texas School Book Depository Building, isn't there?
Mr. ARCE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. And only one face of a person who is standing on the steps of the Depository Building entrance?
Mr. ARCE. Yeah.
Mr. BALL. And that one man you see there---
Mr. ARCE. Yes, that's Billy Lovelady. 

What a stark contrast in identifying whom precisely they were talking about (with Arce) and NOT identifying whom they were talking about (with Lovelady). Why won't Backes admit it? It's because he is bloodied. He is soaked and coated with the blood of John Kennedy. 

There are only two marks on CE 369. There is the arrow that Frazier drew to Doorman, and the only other mark is the little line on the forearm of Black Hole Man. 

There is nothing else. If Joseph Backes wants to apply a magnifying glass and bright light to look for another arrow to attribute to Lovelady, he can. If he wants to travel to Washington to look at the original, he can. As of now, the only other mark on that photo is the one I found. 

And keep in mind that we have come a long way. Because until I got started, lots of people, including David Von Pein, were attributing Frazier's arrow to Lovelady. There were showing it and claiming: "You see; Lovelady drew an arrow on CE 369 to show that he was Doorway Man." But, they can't get away with that lie any more.  I won't let them. 

Here's a Yahoo search for "CE 369 JFK". What do you get? You get a whole lot of Cinque.;_ylt=A0LEVyuZq8NTVQ0AwHNXNyoA;_ylc=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--?gprid=cS.0LLuqSRqMI.DvJF7NGA&pvid=nPrWAzk4LjECBNa4U5oZ.AVPNjYuNlPDq5n_9klo&p=CE+369+JFK&fr2=sb-top&fr=yfp-t-901

And I am not posting that to brag. I am posting it to show you that a whole lot of progress has been made, fortunately. 

The killers, and their minions like Joseph Backes, do not stand a chance against the truth. Backass waxes on about wee hour pow-wows about how to concoct a phony bus ride for Oswald while he turns a blind eye to what they really did. And what they really did was a whole lot of photographic alterations.  


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