Monday, July 14, 2014

And now, the idiot Backass says that you can barely see JFK in the Altgens crop I used, but here is what he first said about it: 

"JFK isn't even visible in this." 

But, the reason for cropping it was to hone in on Doorman. So, when I said that you can see JFK reacting to being shot in the Altgens photo, that was a true statement- regardless of how much of it was shown in that crop. You are making a fuss about sheer nothing.

Again: the purpose of that crop was to hone in on Doorman- not Kennedy. And that didn't change just because I mentioned Kennedy and the fact that he was reacting to being shot at the time. So, that makes this spiel of yours really dumb:

It wasn't about JFK! It was about Doorman! Honing in on Doorman. Zeroing in on Doorman. 

Jesus, you are stupid. Honestly, I don't know how you get through a single day except by the mercy of others. 

And regarding the FBI photos of Lovelady being in the WC "Documents" I get it. I've gotten it for months now. So, are you going to still be harping on it a year from now for lack of anything substantial to say? How much mileage do you think you can get out of that?

And Backes wants to know why we should recognize that the FBI photos of Lovelady were manipulated. Well, it's because they were manipulated. 

 That is obviously and definitely the same photo, but it is also obvious and definite that there is a lot of shadow in one that is missing from the other. Now, do you agree that there was only one condition of light and shadow at the time it was taken? So, either shadow was added to the one or removed from the other. Right? But which one was sent to the Warren Commission by the FBI? I honestly don't know. If you ask the Mary Ferrell Foundation, they say it was the one on the left, and if you ask JFK Lancer, they say it was the one on the right. But, what we have here is visual proof that manipulation of the FBI photos of Lovelady took place, that they didn't just snap the shudder, develop the film, and send the results to the Warren Commission. It's a smoking gun. 

And, as I've said, the JFK assassination is probably the most photographically altered event in the history of the world. And it got started well before the assassination. Who knows when they made the Backyard photos, which Jack White proved to be fraudulent. That wasn't Oswald. And Oswald said so himself. In fact, he said that they moved his face to the body of another man. He even said that he knew how to do it himself from having worked at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall. 

And now Backes is citing a New York Herald Tribune article in which it is stated that ACCORDING TO THE FBI, Lovelady identified himself as Doorman on November 23. That's the same FBI that Backes thinks fabricated a bus and cab ride for Oswald and even invented a witness, Mary Bledsoe, who didn't even exist, even though she had two sons and a lawyer. He doesn't believe them about that, but he BELIEVES them about Lovelady. 

Too bad that on April 12, 1964, Lovelady identified himself, graphically, as Black Hole Man.  

That trumps your hearsay evidence about what Lovelady is claimed to have said prior to that. He drew that arrow with his own hand.

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