Monday, July 14, 2014

The Wee Cock Sparrow (bpunk) says he'll take the word of the FBI any day over Mark Lane. 

Well, I didn't ask you, moe-foe. I asked Backes. You know, Joseph Backes, the guy whose ass you kiss even though he contends that Oswald was innocent? He also contends that your beloved FBI made up a big whopping tale about Oswald taking a bus and cab and even invented a witness out of thin air, Mary Bledsoe.  But, you still kiss his ass, and it's because you'll kiss the ass of anyone who harasses me. That's your only standard. 

I didn't have to ask you because I already knew your answer. Of course, you believe the FBI. You're on their fucking payroll! Maybe not directly, but indirectly through some kind of surrogate think tank or policy board or organization.

And no, I don't fault Mark Lane for representing the Marguerite Oswald impostor and not realizing that she was an impostor. That was 1964. How many people back then figured out that she was an impostor? Would you believe none? It took a very special, highly intelligent, and very independent thinker, John Armstrong, to figure that out, and he did it much later. 

I asked Joseph Backes who he is going to believe produced an authentic image of Billy Lovelady, the FBI or Mark Lane?

Why don't you let him answer since the question was directed at him? You're not his father. You don't even agree with each other about the most central and foundational issue in the JFK assassination: who killed Kennedy? 

I've learned that the JFK assassination makes for very strange bedfellows, and it is despicable. Ptoi on the both of you.  

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