Sunday, July 13, 2014

I trust that no one has trouble seeing that the version of Black Hole Man on the right was "enhanced" by somebody.  The one on the left is from the HSCA, and it is considered one of the best. And, I put the image of Lovelady in there because he was Black Hole Man, and as you can see, he didn't have deep peri-oral creases. Such creases are a consequence of aging, and they occur in much older men, not a 26 year old as Lovelady was. And they were all young men there at the TSBD, especially the "order fillers." This was just a bogus thing they did, and they did it more than once and to different degrees. Sometimes, they wisely went with something more subtle, such as the one that Pete is using. But, they are all bogus. It's just JFK photographic alteration 50 years after the fact. They are spewing crap, and you should categorically reject it.

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