Sunday, July 13, 2014

The stupid Proscenium-stuffer doesn't know what "death by natural causes" means. Natural causes means dying of disease OR, if you're lucky enough, dying of old age, where your heart just stops beating. 

Dying of gas poisoning is NOT dying of natural causes. When the state executes someone with gas we don't say he died of natural causes. We say he was put to death using gas. 

Well, even if the gassing is accidental, it is still not a natural cause of death.  

So, Ike Altgens did NOT die of natural causes if he died of gas poisoning. 

And did he have the flu? Who knows? It's not as though there is any evidence for it. There is just a little lip-wagging, and it doesn't pass the smell test. Is there a record of him visiting a doctor because of the flu? Is there a record of him being hospitalized because of the flu? If there isn't something like that to substantiate it, then you can take that claim and shove it the same place you shove your proscenium arches. 

And even if he did have the flu, which has never been substantiated, there are all different degrees of it, and in most cases it is not life-threatening. And when it is life threatening, it is usually because it develops into pneumonia. Don't you think that Altgens would have seen a doctor or been hospitalized if he had pneumonia? I'm pretty sure he had good insurance. 

The substance that is added to natural gas to give it a strong odor is tertiary butyl mercaptan, and they have been doing it for a long time.  

"In order to assist in detecting leaks, a minute amount of odorant is added to the otherwise colorless and almost odorless gas used by consumers. The odor has been compared to the smell of rotten eggs, due to the added tert-Butylthiol (t-butyl mercaptan). Sometimes a related compound, thiophane, may be used in the mixture."

Here is a picture of the plant where the odorant is added?

The death of Ike Altgens IS a suspicious death, and it shall remain so despite the whining of Bloodied Joe Backes, who sees the Dallas Police detectives sitting around the wee hours plotting a phony bus ride for Oswald, even though it's what he told them he did.  

"Well, we know he's lying about taking the bus, but let's drum up some phony evidence for it anyway. It will never stick in court, but we're going to kill him soon anyway, so it'll never come to that. So, what the hay?" 


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