Friday, July 11, 2014

Jesus Fucking H. Christ! How many times do you I have to tell you, bpunk, that what I was saying in February 2012 has no relevance to what I am saying today. That was only 3 months from the start. It was before the OIC. It was before the discovery that Gorilla Man was not Lovelady. And it was before a great many other things. 

Sometimes, it takes time to get where you have to go. 

Regardless of what I or anybody else was saying way back then, Doorman's shirt is not plaid. Plaid means horizontal and vertical lines crossing and forming boxes or squares. There is not a single box on Doorman's shirt. There is not a single vertical line on Doorman's shirt. And there is not a single horizontal line that corresponds to any horizontal line on any plaid shirt that we've seen. 

Doorman's shirt is simply splotchy- that's all. 

There is no way that those two patterns are the same.  They aren't even close to being the same. What we see on Doorman is not a shirt pattern at all; it is simply haze, distortion, and light reflection. 

What an abomination that anyone should try to equate them. True, it would have been better if I had recognized this sooner. But, who are you to complain when here it is July 2014 and you still don't recognize it? 

I've said it before, and I'll say it again that bpete is a boy and not a man. He is immature and juvenile and to a startling degree for a man in his 40s. And he is bloodied. 

They didn't even remember to sprawl Gorilla Man's shirt open when he was supposedly playing Doorman. Talk about your bonehead mistakes. That, by itself, rules him out as Doorman. The whole thing is a comedy of errors, now being held up by children like bpete. 

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