Friday, July 11, 2014

The 38th Senior Member of the Oswald Innocence Campaign is Gary King. 

Gary is a radio broadcaster and has been for many years. He has been the host of Patriot Radio out of New Orleans for the last 6 years. It was Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath which drew him into alternative broadcasting and the truth movement, including JFK truth. 

Gary has been working with Jim Fetzer on developing a new JFK radio program, and he currently hosts the second hour of "The Real Deal" which is Jim's program. 

Of late, Gary has broadcast interviews with several of the senior members of the OIC, including John Hankey, Phillip Nelson, Larry Rivera, and most recently, myself. And I can tell you that Gary is a very astute interviewer. Larry King has got nothing on him. Gary is well-read on JFK, and he has a keen mind when it comes to sizing up the evidence. And, I can assure you that he is a strong advocate for Oswald innocence and Oswald in the doorway, and I mean the Altgens doorway. Welcome to the OIC, Gary. 

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