Sunday, July 13, 2014

Joseph Backes took many of the images from my Santa Barbara presentation and posted them on his blog. Did he ask me or Gary King for permission? No. You might say he stole them. 

But, you see, it's OK for him to help himself to any images of mine without permission, but if I take images from the internet, that's "stealing". He accused me of it in his spiel. 

"What he showed is what he stole off the internet somewhere." 

What a fucking hypocrite. 

Backass didn't like my describing Oswald clasping his hands in the doorway as being "harmless" but that's because I'm a real Oswald defender, and he is not. You see, clasping one's hands in front is the ultimate gesture of harmlessness. It's the ultimate non-threatening pose. Why do you think salesmen do it? Why do you think Jehovah's Witnesses do it when they come a calling? Why do you think Mormons do it when they come a calling? And what a contrast to Oswald being accused of being up on the 6th floor pumping rounds into Kennedy. So yes, the utter harmlessness of standing there with his hands clasped in front is significant and ironic. But, you actually have to like and defend Oswald to appreciate it, so that leaves Backes out. He doesn't like Oswald. 

And this is a blow-up of the Altgens crop which Backes says doesn't show Kennedy reacting, but it does. You can see him partially. You can see Jackie's hand grasping his forearm, and you can see his left hand coming up to his throat wound. We can't see all of him, but we can see part of him, and we can definitely see that he is reacting. 

And even if we couldn't see him in this crop at all, the fact is that in the Altgens photo, Kennedy was reacting to being shot, and that is indisputable. 

Then, Backes repeats the lie that the Altgens photo was sent all over the world at 1:00 PM. It's weird how the stupid fool swallows that particular piece of pap from the official story, yet he denies everything about Oswald's bus and cab rides and Lovelady's trek to the tracks. Dumb fuck. 

Then, regarding the FBI photos of Lovelady, the FBI sent them to the Warren Commission, and where they wound up was up to them, the WC. And they wound up in the Document pile "without comment, analysis, acknowledgement, or review" just as I said, although admittedly, I did not reference the "Documents." Big deal. 

But, you know, they had those pictures of Lovelady, and they had many pictures of Oswald, and they had the picture of Doorman. So why didn't the WC do their own photographic comparisons? 

And, Backes takes issue with my referring to the FBI images of Lovelady as being "real" when I also say that they doctored the images. Well, at least they were images of him to begin with, which is more than you can say for the images of Gorilla Man or DeNiro Lovelady or the Hughes Lovelady or the Embedded Lovelady from the squad room. 

And as far as the two versions of FBI Lovelady:

That's the same photo, but they used shadow and light to change the affect. And what they did on the left caused quite a bit of distortion. You can see how misshapen the contour of his face is on our left. And both are in stark contrast to the Mark Lane photo of Lovelady, which was taken about the same time.

Who are you going to believe provided the most authentic picture of Lovelady? Mark Lane or the FBI? If you're Joseph Backes, you say the FBI. That's because Backass thinks the FBI lies about bus rides and cab rides and treks to the tracks and flights down stairs, but they DON'T mess with photos. That is one thing they do NOT do, according to the Idiot Backes, bloody Kennedy-killing bastard that he is. 

And yes, it is 6 months that Lovelady claimed to wear the short-sleeved striped shirt. We'll start the clock from the day of the assassination, and it goes to his first interview with a journalist, which was Jones Harris in May 1964. November to May is 6 months. 

That was the first time that Lovelady claimed to be Doorman. Prior to that, the only claims were FBI statements of what Lovelady said. It's that passive voice thing, Asshole, and it doesn't count. NEVER in his WC testimony did Lovelady claim to be Doorman. In fact, he indicated by drawing an arrow that he was Black Hole Man. 
So, for all practical purposes, Lovelady DENIED being Doorman in his WC testimony. 

And yes, the FBI put it in writing TWICE that Lovelady said he wore the short-sleeved red and white striped shirt on 11/22. One of them was an internal FBI memo, but writing is writing. 

Then, Backes tries to account for all the frontal hand-clasping Oswald did after his arrest to the handcuffs, even though we have an image of him doing it without handcuffs.

You are seeing exactly the same stance there. Why doesn't it matter to Backes? That would be because of JFK's blood and the fact that he is soaked in it. 

Lee was even clasping his hands like that at the last conscious moment of his life when Jack Ruby shot him.

This is powerful stuff to the unbloodied.

And yes, these three were all Lovelady impostors and certainly not the real Lovelady, and they were clearly different impostors. 

Any honest-minded person can see that.

And the differences between Gorilla Man and the real Lovelady were vast. And though the FBI image was doctored, at least it started with the real Lovelady, which is more than you can say for Gorilla Man.

We'll leave it there for now, but we'll come back to it. But, every point I made in that speech was valid. I didn't get it right about where the FBI photos of Lovelady wound up, which was in the "Documents", but so what? Now I know, and now I state it correctly, and that's all there is to it. No harm, no foul. 

It shows you how helpless and hopeless the Proscenium-stuffer is that he clings to minor errors like that, repeating them over and over, as if they mean ruin. Petty bastard is what he is. 

Hey, Asshole! It was Oswald in the doorway, and that fact is going to get riveted in your putrid brain the way proscenium arches get riveted in your hind quarters. And there ain't nothing you can do about it.   

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