Sunday, July 13, 2014

bpunk is back, and this time he showed the HSCA version of Doorman, which is good because it's better than many others:

That shirt pattern is NOT plaid, and it's sloppy thinking to say that it is. The "pattern" is just haze, distortion, and light reflection. It is an illusion. It is not anything that the shirt manufacturer designed and imposed on the shirt. And it is certainly not plaid. Plaid means horizontal and vertical lines which cross and form boxes. There is not a single box on Doorman's shirt. Harold Weisberg told us 47 years that Doorman's shirt is not "checked." That's the word he used, but meant the same thing: horizontal and vertical lines crossing and forming boxes. There are no checks on Doorman's shirt. Weisberg is right; bpunk is wrong. 

And it is certainly not the same as the shirt attributed to Lovelady.

Not only are there no vertical lines on Doorman's shirt, but even his horizontal markings do not correspond to the fine lines on Gorilla Man's shirt. In other words: nothing matches. You can't circle any part of Gorilla Man's shirt and match it to a corresponding part of Doorman's shirt. And look at the upper right quadrant of Doorman's shirt. It has no pattern at all.

Gorilla Man's shirt, just like all the other Lovelady plaid shirts, had pattern all the way up to and including the collar. But, the upper right quadrant of Doorman's shirt is completely devoid of pattern. So, how could it be the same shirt? It couldn't be. It can't be. It's not. And notice that Gorilla Man's shirt isn't even sprawled open. It's supposed to be the same guy, same shirt, same basic place, but 15 minutes later. Nobody ever suggested that Lovelady buttoned up. What happened is that they just forgot about it when they made that phony movie. Look: Lovelady wore a short-sleeved shirt, and he told as much to the FBI.

What part of "He stated he was wearing a red and white vertical striped shirt and blue jeans" do you not understand? Here he is in it. 

But hey, let's keep talking about it because the more light we shine on this the better as far as I'm concerned. Let's really get into it. 

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