Monday, July 14, 2014

This is all we were ever told about the deaths of James and Clara Altgens. It says that police were looking into the "possibility" that they died of CO poisoning from a defective furnace. 

What was that suspicion based on? Were their bodies cherry red or at least pink? Did someone come with a carbon monoxide detector and detect some? Was the furnace tested and found to be releasing carbon monoxide? And if so, whose fault was it? Who was responsible for inspecting and maintaining their home heating system? Why was there no follow-up on this? 

That statement in the article is not evidence of anything. It is just a statement. In fact, it is just a statement about a possibility, not a fact. You can't pick it up like a ball and run with it. It's just an official statement, like the one from NIST which said that the towers collapsed because of "office fires."  And, they didn't follow that one up either. 

Other articles didn't mention anything about carbon monoxide poisoning as a possibility.

It said that toxicology tests were underway to determine the cause of death, according to Laurie Nazareno of the Dallas County Medical Examiner's Office, but where are the results of those tests? When did they announce that testing revealed that carbon monoxide poisoning was, in fact, the cause of death? 

The idea that a 76 year old and a 73 year old would both die of natural causes at the same time is preposterous. Carbon monoxide poisoning is not a natural cause of death. 

So, where is the evidence about this? It says that autopsies were ordered, so I presume that autopsies were done. Where are the results?

Don't even bother looking for them. I've done it. They don't exist. 

This is a story that came out with that glib remark about the possibility of CO poisoning, and that was it. It was the last fucking word. The story was put to sleep after that- just like Ike Altgens.  

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