Thursday, June 11, 2015

HONDO points out that it's a signal light in front of the doorway in the Weaver photo.

Of course, you know him as bpete, but he's a man who likes to use aliases. Under the name "Hondo" he has a regular column on the This Ain't Hell website.

This Ain't Hell is what you call a "mil-blog". It's pro-military. It's pro the troops. It's pro the veterans. And it's pro the wars. The founder Jonn Lilyea never met a war he didn't like. He got mad recently when he heard that some Presidential candidates were calling the Iraq War a "mistake."

A mistake? A MISTAKE? A mistake is when you bake a souffle and it doesn't rise properly. When you invade another country and kill over a million people as the US did in Iraq, that's not a mistake. That's genocide. 

So, if you want to follow bpete's writing on This Ain't Hell, you can read the columns by Hondo.

So, it's the signal light in the Weaver photo. 

That was taken from the southeast corner of Main and Houston, and you can see here. 

Here's how it came out for Hughes who was standing in Houston Street.

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