Thursday, June 11, 2015

No, Hondo. Fetzer is right, and you are wrong. 

But first, let's note that in this game we're playing, when you don't respond to something, it's a tacit admission that the other guy is right. Hondo didn't respond to this:

He put up other examples of bunching, but he didn't say a word about this one. Why? Because that was Hondo's way of saying: "Alright, so that one was fake."

But wait a second. If they faked even ONE THING, do you know what it means? It means that they, the ones who did the faking, KILLED KENNEDY. 

They're not entitled to one or two fakes. They're entitled to any fakes. You start faking something, and it means you're bloodied. 

Now, we'll look at the bunchings that Hondo supposedly found:

 That's not a bunching. That's just the effect of him having his head turned. It's nothing. It's not bunching. 

That's not a bunching. That's just the jacket collar in shadow. It isn't bunching. 

You have got nothing, Hondo. Jim is right; you are wrong. The fact is that the reason that JFK's jacket has a bullet hole 5.3 inches down from the collar is because a bullet entered his back- not his neck, but his back- at that level.

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