Friday, June 12, 2015

Poor James Norwood. He is so naive. But, he's found a new home with Backes, Unger, Bpete, and Lance. But, what he is not doing is thinking. 

Robin Unger is not a photographic expert. He has no more right to claim to be one than I do. And not only is he not an expert on photography, but he is not an expert on the JFK assassination either, or anything close to it. How could he be when he doesn't even take a position on the JFK assassination? After all this time, after all these years, Robin doesn't know whether Oswald was innocent or guilty. 

But think about what that means: it means that, as far as he's concerned, there's a chance that he was guilty. So, James Norwood is praising and colluding with someone who is very open to the idea that Oswald was up on the 6th floor pumping rounds into Kennedy. 

And, Robin Unger isn't the only agnostic in that group. Look what Bpete put on his Facebook page:

 He MAY be innocent? MAY??? He MAY be innocent?

After 51 years, Hondo doesn't know? After all this time, he still has no opinion? For him, it's just a shoulder shrug? 

That is so disingenuous, it is despicable. Listen up, Hondo: if you don't know if Oswald killed Kennedy or not, then you can shut the hell up about the whole case right now. 

Note that Hondo has since changed that icon to something else in response to my pointing out how ridiculous it is. But, it doesn't matter. It doesn't change anything. He still doesn't take a position on Oswald's innocence or guilt. Instead, he weaves back and forth across the line, sometimes sounding like an LN, other times trying to find solidarity with CTs, and all the while hawking the wares of the disinformation Op that he is. 

And for James Norwood to associate himself with these people who publicly express their openness to Oswald being guilty is despicable too, considering that he is supposed to be an Oswald defender. But who knows, maybe James is on the verge of doing a complete reversal like Gary Mack. It wouldn't surprise me in the least. 

And Lance Upperpunk is no better. He claims to be an Oswald defender, but he never says anything to defend him. His complete raison d'etre is to heckle and disparage Oswald defenders. 

The reason these people do this and put on these airs is because they know that Oswald defenders are the only ones who can be receptive to me. And since those are the minds we are fighting over, they know they have a better chance by pretending to be CTs. In actual fact, Bpete advocates that Oswald was up on the 6th floor "locking and loading" and "pumping rounds into Kennedy."

So, that's who your new friends are, James. You are a traitor, not just to the OIC, but also to the whole movement to exonerate and vindicate Lee Harvey Oswald. You should be ashamed of yourself. 

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