Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Do you doubt that there is a vicious campaign of threats and intimidation in the world of JFK assassination research? 

I have mentioned several times that I have had the assistance of a Physics professor, with a specialty in Optics, who has analyzed the Moorman photo and determined, with scientific certainty, that it was taken at an angle, meaning on a diagonal, from behind. He has used the angle of the limousine, as compared to the horizontal bottom of the picture, to determine the exact angle at which the photo was taken. And then, when presented with this plat of Dealey Plaza showing the exact locations of the individuals and the limousine, he was able to state, with scientific certainty, that the photo was taken by Babushka Lady and not Mary Moorman. 

And keep in mind that the placements of the individuals and the limousine in this plat were not chosen by me. These placements are widely accepted and universally recognized as correct. I don't know who did it, but it wasn't me. In a word, it is not my plat. 

Now, Joseph Backes has responded to this by taking pictures of my house and exposing the name of the professor who is involved. He has published his license plate number and his name, and other personal information, including documentation. I am not going to repeat his name here, but he is Professor SK.  

First, I have printed out multiple copies of everything Backes has put up about this.

Second, I don't think Backes orchestrated this. I think Bpete did. Bpete is a paid operative who has ties to the National Archives and to a shadowy organization that is involved with intimidating and harassing truthers, including JFK truthers. Bpete has committed crimes against me, and he has traveled to Texas to do it. Did Bpete take the pictures on Backes' site? It wouldn't surprise me if he did, but if he didn't, then I strongly suspect he orchestrated it. I doubt that Backes had the means to do it. They are working together. 

Three, I have only one priority now and that is protecting SK. He is a young man, new to this country, who actually loves America- for some reason. He is not a JFK person. He is not into this. He just did it as a favor to me and also as a Physics challenge because he takes pride in his ability as a physicist. All he wants to do is make a life here, get married, start a family, etc. The idea that he should be harassed, intimidated, and harmed for examining a photograph and rendering his opinion about it as a physicist is an outrage. And, it only shows how evil and bloodied the world of JFK assassination research really is. 

Think about it: What purpose was there in sending someone- or perhaps a crew- to my house to take pictures in order to expose him if it wasn't to threaten him? 

And that is EXACTLY how we are looking at this, as a threat to him, and a threat with no limits. These evil, wicked people have no limits.    

Now, I am now going to take measures to protect him that involve multiple avenues, and I am going the limit. I can't say more. 

But, if you are a friend or supporter of mine, I am asking you for something. I want to make this outrage as big a public spectacle as I can. I really want to shine a light on it, and you can help. I ask for your voice. If you have any kind of blog or webpage or if you participate on a forum or newsgroup or any kind of social platform, put up a statement, a protest, as follows:

"Professor SK has been targeted for work he has done in JFK assassination research. Personal information about him, which involved the taking of intrusive photographs, has been published online by Joseph Backes, the only purpose of which was to threaten, intimidate, and harass. I am lending my voice to say that this is an outrage, and we demand that the vicious agents of the JFK world lay off SK.  Lay off SK." 

So please, put that- or something like it- up online, wherever you can. Help me make this a very public thing. The depth of the evil that is involved in this whole struggle for JFK truth is staggering. And for them to target SK is so heinous and wicked, it is truly Satanic. 

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