Saturday, February 27, 2016

Jeff Deco, a longtime supporter, sent me a link to this article about the life and death of Dorothy Kilgallen. If you want to read a concise but thorough piece about it, this is it.

There is some fascinating stuff in it. Did you know that Dorothy K. was the only journalist to ever interview Jack Ruby? Did you know that Dorothy K. went public about the affair between JFK and MM, and, it was less than 48 hours later that MM was killed? Did you know that Dorothy K. knew JFK and quite well, that he invited her and her son into the Oval Office for a private look-around? 

But, here is the biggest thing of all, as far as I'm concerned: Dorothy Kilgallen was an advocate of photo alteration in the JFK assassination. She said that the Backyard photos were fake, and she publicly chastised Marina Oswald for saying that she took them, as have I.

Of course, it's true; they are fake. And what it means is that they were altering JFK assassination photos even before the JFK assassination. Now, if they were altering JFK assassination photos even before the assassination, then how likely is it that they were prepared to alter photos AFTER the assassination? 100% certain. That's how likely. 

Here is the link to this excellent report on Dorothy Kilgallen. What do I think about her death? I think she was murdered, and I have no doubt about it.

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