But, what happened is that I put up this collage to make the point that not only was neither of these men James Bookhout, but I am very doubtful that they are even the same man.
Of course, they are supposed to be the same man, James Bookhout, but neither is. However, do you get impression that the man on the left was significantly taller than the man on the right? I do. He was tall. I'll admit that. Those barrier walls have to be at least 6 feet, and he was as tall as it. And it may have been taller than 6 feet. So, his tallness is not in question. But, the guy on the right? Look how short his legs are. It's pretty hard to be tall when your legs are that short. Now, I realize that we are not seeing the lower part of his legs. But mentally, you can still grasp that his legs were short. It's not a stretch. In fact, even his torso looks short, and you're seeing all of it. And the three guys behind him all seem to be taller than he is. So, if he was over 6 feet, what were they? Was it a land of giants? But, what about the guy to his left, our right? They seem to be about the same height. So, who was he? Well, Jim Fetzer dropped a bomb. He suggested that he's Will Fritz.
Notice that there is another guy on the far right who is also quite tall. He's towering over the disputed figure. You still think this "Bookhout" was "well over 6 feet"? It ain't looking that way. But, what do we notice about that Fritz figure? Well, Jim Fetzer noticed that he's wearing his hat back- at an angle.
And that is what Fritz did.
Not always, but much of the time, he wore his hat back, so that it was well off his forehead. He didn't like it sitting low on his forehead. In the above collage, I am seeing 3 images of him in which his hat was riding back like that.
And if you look at the lower left, you see that Fritz was a portly fellow. Short and portly.
That's an image that Robert Allen of the Dallas Times Herald took.
Like I said: short and portly.
I added a line to this image to show you that this guy's jacket is protruding. He's got girth. And notice that he's in the center. The center. Meaning: that everyone was focused on him. Not so-called "Bookhout" but everyone else in that photo is focused on him. Do you remember those E F Hutton commercials? "When EF Hutton talks, people listen." Well, I am reminded of those commercials because everyone in that room seems to be focused on the increasingly certain Will Fritz figure. Even the guy at the faraway desk, even he is looking at Fritz. Why? Because Fritz was the captain. He was the boss. He called the shots.
Let's blow him up:
That's looking good. Damn good.

Alright, that's it. That's enough. I am ready to declare a victor here. And the victor is: Jim Fetzer, who slayed a swarm of Ops in two seconds by correctly identifying Will Fritz in this photo.
That is DEFINITELY Will Fritz. And that means that that man was decidedly short- just like Fritz. Hey, we can't all be tall. That guy is what you call short. And he is certainly not this guy:
They are two different guys, and two different guys means one gigantic fraud.
Jim Fetzer, you hit a grandslam homerun tonight. Or, maybe I should say you rolled a strike in bowling, and the pins consisted of Steve Roe, Denis Morrisette, Robin Unger, Brian Pete, John McAdams, etc. Way to go, my friend. I am so glad I went on your show tonight. You enhanced our work many fold in one strike. How sweet it is.
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