OSWALD IN THE DOORWAY- the blog of the Oswald Innocence Campaign by Ralph Cinque
Sunday, September 24, 2017
This is the last image of LHO, except for his autopsy images. But, it's obviously staged. Dhority has got Oswald's hand, but what for? He can't be moving along with the stretcher. You can see that Leavelle is blocking him. So, the stretcher can't be moving at that moment. It's still- for the picture. But, did they really delay Oswald's delivery to medical hands just to take a picture? Just to take an iconic picture? And how could Oswald be making a fist if he was unconscious? And how could he be doing it with no blood pressure?
And if you look closely, you see that the ambulance attendant, who was the driver of the ambulance, whose name was Michael Hardin, and who testified to the Warren Commission, is holding onto Oswald's arm. Now, supposedly, this is a dire emergency in which they are trying to deliver Oswald to medical hands as fast as they possibly can to save his life. So, is Hardin supposed to be pushing the stretcher by leaning on Oswald's arm? Or, is he just holding arm in order to hold the arm up showing that fist? Is it supposed to mean that Oswald was defiant to the end? As I said, they can't be moving there because of the mechanics. If Dhority let go, they could. But, they didn't get there with Dhority holding Oswald's hand. We have the footage of the ambulance arriving at Parkland, and Oswald being taken out, and then rolled into the hospital, and at no time does Dhority take his hand. So again, it seems that they stopped for this picture, and Dhority took his hand, just for drama, and then the shudder was pressed. And who took the photo? Whoever took it was inside the hospital. Was it a press photographer or someone else? And what happened to Michael Hardin's assistant, the one we saw at the PD and also at the unloading of Oswald at Parkland. Why don't we see him here? Why did he disappear? Why did he vanish? And how did that come about? Did someone tell him: "Your services will no longer be needed?" But, where did he go? What did he do? He arrived with Herdin. He couldn't leave. So, why would he not stay involved? And how could we never got any explanation? How come the bastards just feed us this crap and assume that nobody is going to notice that he disappeared? Why do they insult us that way? And is that really Oswald? Notice that he's got one eye partially open. You can see his eyeball. And look how his ears stick out.
You know Oswald's ears weren't like that. And look at his nostrils. Look how slender they are. Oswald's nose wasn't like that. Oswald had wide nostrils.
Here's another image showing Oswald's wide and flared nostrils.
So, would they look like this?
I don't think so. I don't see how. So, I don't think that guy was Oswald. Here's a picture of Oswald on the stretcher when they were unloading him at Parkland.
Notice how large his nostrils are and notice also that his ears are pretty flush with his head. So, there's that and this:
That and this:
That and this:
and once more this:
So, did they go back another day and stage this picture using an Oswald double- a live double, of course, who couldn't keep his eyes closed but did help out by making a fist?
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