Saturday, September 21, 2019

I figured it out about that image of Ruby at the MPC. It was reported to be from Friday afternoon, but it wasn't; it was definitely from late Friday night. Ruby denied going to the PD on Friday afternoon, and there are phone records which prove that he was at the Carousel Club conversing with his sister at the time. Plus, you can see the Saturday morning Dallas Morning News in the picture. 

I am referring to the one on the left. The one on the right is from his trial. 

I now believe that that is Jack Ruby on the left. He has a weird arch to his nose where the nasal tip really descends.. I believe they did that on purpose. If you look closely, you can see a black line there. I believe that was added. Why? I can only speculate, and what I am about to say is quite disgusting, but they may have done it to make him look more Jewish. And it's ridiculous because Jews have all kinds of noses, and they are no more inclined to have hook noses than anybody else. If you consider the expression "Roman nose" it's a reference to Italians, not Jews. And likewise, not all Italians have Roman noses. It's just stereotyping. 

Here's another comparison.

On the left, you can see him with normal focus in his eyes, while on the right he has that doped-up stare because he was doped-up. But, Ruby did not have a hook nose. And what they did to his nose on the left really changes his look a lot. But, everything else matches well, although they added a ton of hair to him on the right.  But, that is Jack Ruby on the left from the Midnight Press Conference. 

But, even though he was not a Ruby double, they did have Ruby doubles. After all, Julia Mercer swore she saw Jack Ruby driving a truck delivering weapons to Dealey Plaza: Marita Lorenz swore Jack Ruby and Oswald received the weapons that she, Frank Sturgis and others drove in from Florida; and George Applin swore he saw Jack Ruby sitting some rows behind Oswald at the Texas Theater when he was arrested. And there were multiple people who swore they saw Jack Ruby in Dealey Plaza during or after the assassination, even though there is no doubt that he was at the Dallas Morning News tending to his ads at the time. All of this was just pandering to future "conspiracy theorists" whom they knew were going to be dissatisfied with the second lone nut story. They were creating a sandbox for them to play in. 

But, this guy on the left, was not a Ruby double; he really was Jack Ruby. They just fu_ked with his nose.  

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